Growth in the #GloveGardens is amazing! 🌱 Our 3rd grade #EnvironmentalEngineers have been documenting their observations several times a week! #DoScience #STEM (HUGE smile behind the blur!)
#glovegardens #environmentalengineers #doscience #stem
These 3rd grade #EnvironmentalEngineers did a great job planting their #GloveGardens! Now to see if their germination predictions are correct!🌱 #STEM #DoScience
#environmentalengineers #glovegardens #stem #doscience
Today 3rd grd #EnvironmentalEngineers learned more about seeds and built their “Garden in a Glove”. We’ll see whose prediction about the first seed to germinate will be right! Will it be the pepper, the pumpkin, the daisy, the wax bean, or the carrot? What’s your guess? #STEM 🌱