The West Indies: Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change Since 1492 by David Watts
#Caribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #historyoftheCaribbean, #geography, #historicalgeography, #genocide, #blackchattelslavery, #slavetrade, #antiblackness, #translatlanticslavetrade, #whitesupremacy, #imperialism, #colonialism, #spanishimperialism, #spanishcolonialism, #britishimperialism, #britishcolonialism, #frenchimperialism, #frenchcolonialism, #dutchimperialism, #dutchcolonialism, #amerikas, #northamerika, #plantations, #plantationeconomy, #sugarplantations, #environmentalgeography, #slavesocieties, #ecology
This magisterial survey of the historical geography of the West Indies is at bottom concerned with the causes and consequences of three complex and inter-related phenomena: the rapid and total removal of a large aboriginal population; the development of plantation agriculture and the arrival of enforced labour, in the form of many thousands of African slaves; and the environmental, ecological and cultural changes that resulted.
#caribbean #Caribbeanhistory #historyoftheCaribbean #geography #historicalgeography #genocide #blackchattelslavery #slavetrade #antiblackness #translatlanticslavetrade #whitesupremacy #imperialism #colonialism #spanishimperialism #spanishcolonialism #britishimperialism #britishcolonialism #frenchimperialism #frenchcolonialism #dutchimperialism #dutchcolonialism #amerikas #northamerika #plantations #plantationeconomy #sugarplantations #environmentalgeography #slavesocieties #ecology
Warm greetings, #MastoDaoine! It seems that I have been lacking a proper intro. Call me Alex and please refer to my furry sidekick as Joy. I have a degree in #EnvironmentalScience, being specialized in #EnvironmentalGeography but with a career in #PRandComms. I’ve been calling #Ireland my home for a bit over a year and my cat's kibbles are paid by me working as an SEM on a Trust & Safety team.
Into #books, #anime, #sports, #AnimalRights, #HumanRights and a mélange of other fun things.
#mastodaoine #environmentalscience #environmentalgeography #prandcomms #ireland #books #anime #sports #animalrights #humanrights
#jobOffer #Academia #Geography #EconomicGeography #EnvironmentalGeography
📍 Dpt of Geography ( and International Studies Program ( at the Univ of Wisconsin-Madison.
🔖 Joint tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in Environmental Geography and International Studies.
🤓 @ the nexus of development economics, geography, and environmental studies.
📆 Deadline 7/12/2022
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🔥 Four academic jobs in beautiful Scotland! 🔥 Are you looking for a permanent post in #QuantitativeMethods for #populationgeography or #EnvironmentalGeography or in #SpatialDataScience, #GIScience, #GIS? Join
as a Lecturer in a new digital MSc in Data Literacy for Social & Environmental Justice. DL 15 Nov:
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