🔟 reasons to courtesy of @ethicalconsumer

1. Its flagrant

2. It has got a horrific reputation for .

3. It threatens small businesses.

4. It profits from .

5. It has failed to address its .

6. It is repeatedly accused of .

7. It creates a hostile environment for .

8. It has faced questions over on politicians, trade unions, and consumers.

9. Stand in with other campaigners all over the world.

10. Amazon workers say abuse comes at a high price for workers in the .

Read more about each on the Ethical Consumer website 👇


#boycottamazon #taxavoidance #workersrights #independent #oilandgas #environmentalimpacts #racism #unions #spying #solidarity #costoflivingcrisis #amazonfreeaugust

Last updated 1 year ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
133 followers · 1895 posts · Server sfba.social


Separation from family and tradition would be a recurring theme for Native Americans during the . For many living near the taken over for the Manhattan Project, World War II was especially disruptive, with long-term , and .

#war #nativeamericans #lands #cultural #economic #environmentalimpacts

Last updated 1 year ago

Tanguy Fardet · @tfardet
735 followers · 2659 posts · Server scicomm.xyz

I was discussing related with other people this afternoon and the question of the role of came up, to which I replied with utter confidence that it was a very small fraction of the total .

Then I got home and thought that it had been a while and I did not remember how small it was (5%, 10% ?). So I looked it up.
Well it turns out people [1] say it's 20% now, what happened O_o?

[1]: 10.1038/s43016-022-00531-w


#environment #agriculture #emissions #ghg #transport #environmentalimpacts #food

Last updated 1 year ago

Vijay Barve · @vijaybarve
22 followers · 7 posts · Server fosstodon.org
Matt Allen 🇦🇺 · @mallen
135 followers · 124 posts · Server infosec.exchange

With the rise of I've had this though in the back of my head for a week now.

Will there be a point in the future where the of multiple servers () all duplicating data from each other, becomes an a consideration?

How large would it have to get that even at a small percentage of daily/monthly users, when compared to a centralised service (ie Twitter), we are matching the power consumption of a ?

I'm not knocking what we have, I just want to know that smarter ppl than me are not creating new problems while solving existing problems.

@jerry, @stux

#mastodon #environmentalimpacts #instances #centralised #datacenter

Last updated 2 years ago

Cryptocurrency News Worldwide · @CryptoBot
1260 followers · 64450 posts · Server aspiechattr.me