The Tao of Green: Building the Foundation for an Environmental Ethic with Taoist Philosophy
Stephen Wolkwitz
29 April 2009
"The Taoist environmental ethic that can be named is not the true Taoist environmental ethic. Can Taoism be pointed to as providing an environmental ethic? Though one should not equate Taoism with environmentalism, I argue that Taoist thought provides a basis for a relationship between man and nature, on which a modern environmental ethic can be built. Modern philosophers and environmentalists have, in the past few decades, begun to examine Taoism as a source for their environmental ethics. I will attempt to articulate the Taoist concept of nature, and how it is affected by ontological and metaphysical elements of Taoist thought. Using this conception of nature, I will provide evidence for how Taoism suggests humans should relate to the environment in a way that could form the groundwork for environmental ethics and also address criticism of Taoism as environmental philosophy. I will finally review my argument as a coherent proposal for a Taoist-inspired environmental ethic. Taoist philosophy could prove to be a key in reshaping how humans think about the physical world and how they act in it, which could help to solve the many environmental problems we are faced with today."
#Taoism #Environmentalism #Ecosophy #EnvironmentalPhilosophy
#taoism #environmentalism #ecosophy #environmentalphilosophy
CounterText just published my latest article on hope for (post-)Anthropocenic times. You can download said article here:
And yes, there's a lot of hope in there, especially looked at from the perspective of an emo existentialist! 😃
#Anthropocene #politicalphilosophy #environmentalphilosophy #posthumanism #hope #crisis #criticalcartography #Deleuze #Braidotti
#anthropocene #politicalphilosophy #environmentalphilosophy #hope #crisis #criticalcartography #deleuze #braidotti #posthumanism
Cannot wait to partake in this wonderful event, organized by Dr Marietta Radomska (Linköping University, SE)! For more info, see: #environmentalphilosophy #ecologies #mourning #queertheory #queerdeathstudies @philosophy
#environmentalphilosophy #ecologies #mourning #queertheory #queerdeathstudies
Environmental Philosophy syllabus coming together! #EnvironmentalPhilosophy #syllabus
#environmentalphilosophy #syllabus
This coming semester I'll be teaching an #undergrad #EnvironmentalPhilosophy course. I have one week to cover both#Aldo Leopold and #RachelCarson. If I only cover one, which one and why?
#undergrad #environmentalphilosophy #rachelcarson
If any journal editors are looking for reviewers in regards to publications on #environmentalphilosophy, #environmentalpolitics, #environmentalethics, or #animalethics, feel free to get in touch with me.
#environmentalphilosophy #environmentalpolitics #environmentalethics #animalethics
#savethedate More information coming soon via the Eco- and Bioart Lab's website ( & other platforms! #environmentalphilosophy #queertheory #ecologiesofdeath #posthumanistphilosophy
#SaveTheDate #environmentalphilosophy #queertheory #ecologiesofdeath #posthumanistphilosophy
Recently updated my #linktree (see & will have a new piece on #hope, #posthumanism & #thepostAnthropocene coming out soon in #CounterText ! That being said, if @philosophy folks notice any interesting jobs apps for someone with an interest in #politicalphilosophy , #environmentalphilosophy & #newmaterialisms , feel free to let me know (as my UK contract ends this June)! :blobcatnomcookie:
#linktree #hope #posthumanism #thepostanthropocene #countertext #politicalphilosophy #environmentalphilosophy #NewMaterialisms
Hi all! #introduction
I'm a #philosophy student, #linux enthusiast, concerned inhabitant of #gaia.
Caring deeply for the state of this planet and the #environment, and convinced that unyielding #ClimateAction and #activism are needed.
Learning a lot from #LGBTQIA+ communities and individuals, #sexpositive #feminism and #intersectionality.
Occupied with finding new ways of relating ourselves to #nature through #environmentalphilosophy.
Also an #archlinux user and lover of #foss.
🌏 ❤️
#introduction #philosophy #linux #gaia #environment #ClimateAction #activism #lgbtqia #sexpositive #feminism #intersectionality #nature #environmentalphilosophy #archlinux #foss
Hey! I am a #multidisciplinary #philosopher working on #politicalphilosophy (#identity, #difference & #violence ), #environmentalphilosophy (#theAnthropocene ), and #posthumanist & #newmaterialist approaches. Currently at the #UniversityofBirmingham & the #PosthumanitiesHub. Now working on #memes & #fascism and #agentialrealism & #violence . See for my latest work & for one of my fav collab pieces! @politicaltheory @philosophy
#multidisciplinary #philosopher #politicalphilosophy #identity #Difference #violence #environmentalphilosophy #theanthropocene #posthumanist #newmaterialist #UniversityofBirmingham #posthumanitieshub #memes #fascism #agentialrealism
Hey! I am a #multidisciplinary #philosopher & #memes #geek working on #politicalphilosophy (#identity, #difference & #violence ), #environmentalphilosophy (with a focus on #ecofeminisms & #theAnthropocene ), and #posthumanist, #newmaterialist , and #criticalpedagogical approaches. Currently at the #UniversityofBirmingham & the #PosthumanitiesHub. Currently writing on #memes & #fascism and on #agentialrealism & #violence. I also post #cat pictures (obviously! :ablobcatheart: )
#multidisciplinary #philosopher #memes #geek #politicalphilosophy #identity #Difference #violence #environmentalphilosophy #ecofeminisms #theanthropocene #posthumanist #newmaterialist #criticalpedagogical #UniversityofBirmingham #posthumanitieshub #fascism #agentialrealism #cat
#nicheconstruction #EES #basalcognition #autopoiesis #symbiosis #systemsthinking #plantstudies #philosophyofbiology #philosophyofscience #ecoevodevo #evodevo #consciousness #NonViolentDirectAction #ecocurriculum #environmentalphilosophy #ecophilosophy #ecopedagogy #aesthetics #ecologicalcrisis #deepadaptation #civilisationcollapse #facingdeath #philosophyforsustainability #anthropocene #ArtSci #tricksterpedagogy #ecohumanities #contemplativepractices