Some great talks today at the Environmental Rights Summit, put on by the Environmental Rights Center for Scotland.
A big focus on The Right to a Healthy Environment, and enshrining this into law with Scots law.
More information on what the ERCS is about, and to find ways to support (including signing your support towards Environmental Rights within Scotland) can be found here:
#ercsummit #environmentalrights #humanrights #scotland
Really interesting from
#NationalResourcesDefenseCouncil #NRDC about #gender #women and #Climatechange #environmentalrights #healthequity #UNwomen #genderdisparities
I just did research for my #socialworkatSimmons on fracking and violence against women and girls - missing and murdered indigenous women and girls - #MMIW #MMIWG on my mind reading…
Hope all are well ❤️
#nationalresourcesdefensecouncil #nrdc #gender #women #ClimateChange #environmentalrights #healthequity #unwomen #genderdisparities #socialworkatsimmons #mmiw #mmiwg
“Violence Against the Land Begets Violence Against Women” via #TheNarwhal @thenarwhal #grateful #gratitude #thankyou for your work❣️ #DEI #equity #climate #climatecrisis #genderequity #UNwomen #humanrights #environmentalrights #environmentaljustice ❤️🙏🏻🕊🌎🌍🌏🌻🇺🇦🇷🇺🇨🇳🇦🇫🇹🇷🇮🇷🇺🇸✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
#thenarwhal #grateful #gratitude #thankyou #dei #equity #climate #ClimateCrisis #genderequity #unwomen #humanrights #environmentalrights #environmentaljustice
I added a photo of #ManuelEstebanPaez Terán above but not sure it’s showing; will try hashtags at least to make him more visible.
#Manuel was killed by US police defending a forest that was supposed to be protected for the benefits of locsl black residents (and us all) but is being cut down. He is one of 2-300 Climate activists killed every year, with impunity; so often, as here, standing uo for the #EnvironmentalRights of disadvantaged people. SO wrong. #ClimateJustice
#manuelestebanpaez #Manuel #environmentalrights #ClimateJustice