oldguy52 · @oldguy52
308 followers · 1231 posts · Server techhub.social

A heavy work day at for the Thursday Old Geezers . We worked on clearing the Northern Loop at the North Woods unit. This area had the most extreme damage, so we only made it half-way around the loop even with 4 of us working. High heat and humidity slowed us down with the hitting 107˚F and the hitting 92˚F. Looks like we can handle most of the clearing, but there are at least 2 very large widow makers that will require brining in the pros. It will be nice to have these exceptional trails through this section of old growth forest clear and available to the public again.

#volunteer #oxleynaturecneter #togs #heatindex #wetbulbglobetemperaturerisk #giveback #environmentalstewardship #damnitshot

Last updated 1 year ago

oldguy52 · @oldguy52
308 followers · 1245 posts · Server techhub.social

Yesterday during my hike, I noticed this large dead oak tree leaning dangerously over one of the main trials. We spent the morning working to remove the tree. We had to work fast since there were several groups out on the trails with kids. Had to use the large (3 foot) chain saw, and even it bogged down and snagged. Ultimately had to chain up and use the UTV to pull if down. A successful removal, but we did disrupt a few hikers, and we had to use gas - the battery saws did not have the reach for this one.

#volunteer #oxleynaturecenter #environmentalstewardship #giveback

Last updated 1 year ago

oldguy52 · @oldguy52
235 followers · 847 posts · Server techhub.social

Today was work day for the Thursday Old Geezers at . The task today was to renovate the steps down to the Oxbow Trail. The old steps had rotted out so it was just a slippery slope. The work involved digging out to an ~30˚ slope and putting in overlapping railroad ties on a 7 pitch setup (7 inch rise for each 12 inch run). The median age of the TOGs is 71. The group (all retired) is comprised of a Engineers, a Clinical Psychologist, an Antarctic researcher (Microbiology), and a structural geologist (emeritus prof). We work because we enjoy serving the greater good, we enjoy collaborating together, we enjoy solving a range of complex problems, and to stay active, and give back to the community

#tog #oxleynaturecenter #volunteer #givegack #environmentalstewardship #buildabetterfuture

Last updated 2 years ago

oldguy52 · @oldguy52
223 followers · 1442 posts · Server techhub.social

The (Thursday Old Geezers) were back at it today despite the frigid temps (24˚F with a wind chill of 14˚F to finish the stairs by the Interpretive Center at . The median age of the group is 70, and they were out there working extremely hard to get the trail open again. We finishing the landscaping and setup of the stairs by the Interpretive Center. That involved moving 2 cubic yards of river gravel - with wheel barrow since the little tractor could not drive up the slope (it tried, but bogged down, getting stuck in the damp soil), moving and installing 2 railroad ties, and leveling the trails. The remaining tasks are to install decorative risers and seal/wax the railing. An early shot and the current setup. Next tasks are to make the bypass ADA accessible, then on to more stair replacement My profound thanks to John, Glen, Tom, and Bobby for all their hard work.

#togs #oxleynaturecenter #volunteer #environmentalstewardship #giveback #dontbelikeabillionaireoligarch #service

Last updated 2 years ago

oldguy52 · @oldguy52
82 followers · 487 posts · Server techhub.social

Today is for the oldsters group at . We are rebuilding the main stairs into the North Woods Unit. The raised trails is an old roadbed that led up to a marina on Lake Yahola. The unit is , all , and is a great spot for birding. Some of the local nest in this area, and it always seems to be the spot for rare in the spring/summer.

It will take a couple more hard days to get the stairs repaired, and with the correct stride distance and a consistent rise for hikers.

#workday #volunteer #oxleynaturecenter #lowlandforest #oldgrowthforest #baldeagles #warblers #giveback #environmentalstewardship

Last updated 2 years ago

oldguy52 · @oldguy52
25 followers · 112 posts · Server techhub.social

We completed 99% of the repairs on the Warren Bridge at today. All of the treads have been replaced, and we just need to replace a couple of the baseboards on the west side. Thanks to an excellent volunteer crew, we were able to complete the job in less time than anticipated. Approximately 71 hours of time were volunteered on the project. It is always a pleasure to work with such dedicated people. On to the next projects!

#oxleynaturecenter #volunteer #giveback #environmentalstewardship

Last updated 2 years ago

oldguy52 · @oldguy52
20 followers · 54 posts · Server techhub.social

T and Th are volunteer days for me at . I help out in the shop and keep trails clean. On Thurs, we have a group of retired engineers, doctors, profs, researchers who work on construction needs. It is our way to . We also train interns in construction safety and . The ‘old geezers’ motto is “There isn’t anything we can’t mess up - then fix”. We are replacing decking on the main bridge, and today were joined by a young biologist intern.

#oxleynaturecenter #giveback #environmentalstewardship

Last updated 2 years ago