Peak #EnvironmentalStorytelling. This cyclist rented a Lime bike, started cycling, realised there’s no more bike path where they’re heading, and GAVE UP!
A primer on Graffiti and its use in both reality and games.
#narrativedesign #gamedesign #environmentalstorytelling
Für mich ist der aktuelle Ableger des Franchise bestenfalls nur ein Standard-Action-Adventure, mit einer Welt, die ich überaus langweilig finde. #environmentalStoryTelling
Die Schreine sind einfallslos und die Geschichte ist meiner Meinung nach auch endlich mal ausgelutscht.
Ich finde zudem extrem uncool in einem Zelda-Game gleich in den ersten 30 Minuten fast alle Fähigkeiten freizuschalten, die ich im ganzen Spiel erhalte.
Der typische Gadget-basierte Metroidvania-Aspekt ist nicht vorhanden.
Almost done with Tuesday's environmental storytelling talk! Just added the final bits and bobs, now for the last touches now :)
This'll be an intro only. Seeing how many slides there are it'll be a good 30 minutes already.
#gamedev #coaching #panel #learning #artdirection #gameartdirection #environmentalstorytelling
#environmentalstorytelling #gameartdirection #artdirection #learning #panel #coaching #gamedev
What could this message mean? Better head in and find out....
#environmentalstorytelling #narrativedesign
"That's how it always begins. Very small."
The 'Hinton Hole' is a good example of an environmental feature that evolves over time.
If the player is going to revisit the same game space repeatedly, you can have the space evolve to communicate what is happening in the wider game. The change can communicate neglect, or development, or corruption, or gentrification, etc.
#environmentalstorytelling #narrativedesign