BronJovi · @BronJovi
205 followers · 55 posts · Server

Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of the Plan

It was supposed to do a lot do things to return water to the so it could survive, but it hasn't. Years of mismanagement by states is causing the river to die.

Check out video on the and why it is so important that the delivers water to keep this iconic alive.

#murraydarlingbasin #mdbp #river #environmentvictoria #murray #basinplan #ecosystem

Last updated 2 years ago

BronJovi · @BronJovi
234 followers · 63 posts · Server

Yesterday was the 10 year anniversary of the Plan

It was supposed to do a lot do things to return water to the so it could survive, but it hasn't. Years of mismanagement by states is causing the river to die.

Check out video on the and why it is so important that the delivers water to keep this iconic alive.

#murraydarlingbasin #mdbp #river #environmentvictoria #murray #basinplan #ecosystem

Last updated 2 years ago

BronJovi · @BronJovi
193 followers · 47 posts · Server

Gooood morning folks playing along at home with the Victorian Election.

I've put together this handy tracker on the major parties and commitments with commentary on how it stacks up against policy asks.

Hope you find it useful when you vote!

#policy #climatechange #cleanenergy #environmentvictoria

Last updated 2 years ago

BronJovi · @BronJovi
180 followers · 45 posts · Server

I've spent the better part of my Sunday diving into the history of and policy in , how these issues have been governed in various portfolios from the 1970s, and the 'machinery of government arrangements' (how governments built their departments to deliver their policy agenda). You can thank me after 26 November.

In the meantime, here's a photo of a candidate's forum in from last week, organised by

Our and local groups invited energy single lower and upper house candidate for the seat of to talk about their environment and climate policies. As you can see three cam along (none from or ) A couple of candidates bailed at the last minute, and many didn't respond at all.

Most of the packed audience (just shy of 100) included in their questions some variation of 'we feel ignored and that our concerns about Latrobe Valley's future, including for its environment and energy transition aren't taken seriously'. I'll let the photo speak for itself.

I'm thinking about this in the context of environmental and climate governance, and machinery of government arrangements. Obviously elections and governance are very different things, but it's interesting to see who cares about what early on in their potential political career.

#environmental #climate #victoria #latrobevalley #environmentvictoria #communityorganisers #environment #morwell #labor #liberals #nationals #independent

Last updated 2 years ago