I use 14px by default (20px on the #PinebookPro because it's fairly high-res)
To me, the gaps are a very #EnvPsych kind of thing. They don't do much *aesthetically*, but I find them very relaxing in a visceral sense, like an office with a small and out-of-the-way window vs. none at all
~ $ grep -m4 gaps ~/.config/i3/config
### settings for i3-gaps: ###
# Set inner/outer gaps
#gaps inner 14
gaps inner 20
Big meta-study on human experience of nature - both direct and “vicarious” (mediated). Spatial analysis shows that in an urbanising world, especially in the US and Europe, experiences of nature are literally further away from where we live.
Also notable: nature in cultural products is in significant decline! This surprises and saddens me - but of course culture reflects experience.
Somewhere in here is a manifesto for cultural creators: nature everywhere, all the time, as both hero and incidental support. Weave in species, lifeways, remnant and emergent biomes. A bit of cultural #rewilding required 🐙
#rewilding #environment #nature #envpsych #envhum