45 years ago:
Flatfoot in Africa (DE,IT)
Original title: Piedone l'africano
Inspector Rizzo in Napoli gets a message from a policeman from South Africa who wants to meet him. Immediately before this meeting the south African policeman is killed. Dying he shows Rizzo a picture of his little son Bodo. Rizzo travels to Johannesburg to find out what the policeman was working on...
#FlatfootinAfrica #BudSpencer #EnzoCannavale #WernerPochath #Movies
#flatfootinafrica #budspencer #enzocannavale #wernerpochath #movies
35 years ago:
Man spricht deutsh
A very middle-class Bavarian family spend the last day of their Mediterranean vacation on the beach, day-dreaming and muttering racist remarks about Italian people.
#Mansprichtdeutsh #EnzoCannavale #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#mansprichtdeutsh #enzocannavale #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film