56 years ago:
Payment in Blood (IT)
Original title: Sette winchester per un massacro
Chamaco finds himself on the wrong end of a firing squad after tracking an ex-Confederate to interrogate him about General Beauregard's missing gold. He's saved by a stranger who calls himself Stuart (Byrnes). Stuart claims to know the location of Beauregard's strongbox, and so Chamaco takes him to ...
#PaymentinBlood #EnzoGCastellari #Western #Movies
#paymentinblood #enzogcastellari #western #movies
39 years ago:
Tuareg: Desert Warrior (IT,ES)
Original title: Tuareg - Il guerriero del deserto
In a desolate section of the Sahara once ruled by the French, two thirsty men stumble into the camp of a Tuareg warrior where they're given water and shelter. Soldiers from the new Arab government now arrive by Jeep and demand the two men be turned over to them. The warrior refuses, citing the sacre...
#TuaregDesertWarrior #EnzoGCastellari #Movies
#tuaregdesertwarrior #enzogcastellari #movies
45 years ago:
The Inglorious Bastards (IT)
Original title: Quel maledetto treno blindato
Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers on their way to military prison are beset upon by a German artillery attack, escaping with Switzerland in their sights. Before making it any farther, they volunteer to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground - taking them deep into the he...
#TheIngloriousBastards #EnzoGCastellari #ClassicFilm
#theingloriousbastards #enzogcastellari #classicfilm
Spaghetti Sunday
Enzo G.Castellari’s ‘Keoma’, written by George Eastman and starring Franco Nero
#spaghettisunday #franconero #keoma #enzogcastellari #williamberger #woodystrode
#georgeeastman #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie
#spaghettisunday #franconero #keoma #enzogcastellari #williamberger #woodystrode #georgeeastman #spaghettiwestern #westernmovie