La muzika sukceso de la komenco 2020...Diamond Platinumz (TZ) kantas kun Koffi Olomide (DRK)
(...) Usiniguse, usinitachi,
Tusalimiane kwa miguu!
Korona... Naogopa korona...
"Ne tuŝu min, ne "touch" min,
Salutu nin per la piedoj! (duafoje)
Korono... Mi timas la koronon! (duafoje)"
La kanto ne vere parolas pri COVID-19, ĝi nur estas ludema fino de la kanto, kiu rememorigas la atmosferon de la komenco 2020...
#181 - JACK&JOZEF - Thema - Is er meer?
Wie zal het zeggen?
#geloof #godsdienst #eo #kro #ncrv #JackJozef #PodcastGemist #podcast #omdenken #SchieTV #DutchMediaWeek #JanSlagter #fransklein #johndemol #talpanetwork #vandaaginside #RTL4 #BNN #weereendag
#weereendag #bnn #RTL4 #VandaagInside #talpanetwork #JohndeMol #fransklein #janslagter #dutchmediaweek #schietv #Omdenken #podcast #PodcastGemist #JackJozef #ncrv #kro #eo #godsdienst #geloof
#181.2 - JACK&JOZEF - Is geloven menselijk?
Vertrouwen hebben in.
#geloof #religie #godsdienst #eo #kro #ncrv #JackJozef #PodcastGemist #podcast #omdenken #SchieTV #DutchMediaWeek #JanSlagter #fransklein #johndemol #talpanetwork #vandaaginside #RTL4 #BNN #weereendag #max #fyp #nrc
#nrc #fyp #max #weereendag #bnn #RTL4 #VandaagInside #talpanetwork #JohndeMol #fransklein #janslagter #dutchmediaweek #schietv #Omdenken #podcast #PodcastGemist #JackJozef #ncrv #kro #eo #godsdienst #religie #geloof
Mia nova projekto: Fishkin’s Yggdrasil nodes pinger
La programo dum kelkaj minutoj faras liston de la nodoj de la reto Yggdrasil, rapide respondantaj al komputilo de uzanto je tinto (ping).
#Yggdrasil #komputilo #programaro #ping #elŝuti #GNULinux #Linux #GNULinukso #Linukso #lang_eo #eo #Esperanto
#yggdrasil #komputilo #programaro #ping #elsuti #gnulinux #linux #gnulinukso #linukso #lang_eo #eo #esperanto
Mia nova projekto: Fishkin’s Yggdrasil nodes pinger
La programo dum kelkaj minutoj faras liston de la nodoj de la reto Yggdrasil, rapide respondantaj al komputilo de uzanto je tinto (ping).
#Yggdrasil #komputilo #programaro #ping #elŝuti #GNULinux #Linux #Linukso #lang_eo #eo #Esperanto
#yggdrasil #komputilo #programaro #ping #elsuti #gnulinux #linux #linukso #lang_eo #eo #esperanto
Esperanto helpas min eskapi al alia mondo. En mondo sen mensaj limoj. En mia propra gepatra lingvo, mi malkovras pli kaj pli da ĵaluzoj, kiuj ne volas akcepti aliajn pensojn.
A great Wednesday EO-Masters!
I have a new EOMasters Mini Tutorial for you.
Mini, but mighty💪
It's about the spatial resolution of #SAR systems.
#sar #EarthObservation #eo #remotesensing #radar
📆 This year, the 2023 #OpenEarthMonitor (OEMC) Global Workshop will host a variety of formats, from keynote lectures to oral talks, workshops and poster presentations!
9 experts will host keynote lectures on #open #EO #greentransition #OpenClimate #DestinE #landuse #landcover #modeling #Openscience #environmentalcrises . In addition, 18 workshops will be hosted where you can get training in using open EO tools and data.
To know more about the program visit:
#openearthmonitor #open #eo #greentransition #openclimate #DestinE #landuse #landcover #modeling #openscience #environmentalcrises
@impermanen_ This photo reminds me I have #EO in my #CriterionChannel queue, which I fear will break me, based on the trailer and synopsis
Joost Ramaer over Uslu, ON! en de methode-Huisjes (Villamedia)
Demissionair staatssecretaris van Media Gunay Uslu kan na de zomer de ongehoorzame omroep Ongehoord Nederland uit het bestel halen. Maar worden er bij Op1 niet vergelijkbare fouten gemaakt?
Citaten uit stuk:
#media #journalist #journalistiek #omroep #npo #on! #wnl #opeen #praatprogramma #uslu #uitzendlicentie #Journalistieke_Code_NPO #bnn/vara #omroep_max #eo #wnl #huisjes
#huisjes #eo #omroep_max #bnn #journalistieke_code_npo #uitzendlicentie #uslu #praatprogramma #opeen #WNL #on #npo #omroep #journalistiek #journalist #media
One more for you summer readings, .... an overview of a major European #satellite
mission to be launched next year.
Wehr, T., et al,
The EarthCARE mission – science and system overview,
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 3581–3608,, 2023.
#satellite #earthobservation #eo #Climate
#Treasury #FinCEN knows about the first suspicious doald trump Executive Order trump signed as POTUS that I think hooked him up with his mob boss to use in case they needed to plan an attack on something like the US Capitol.
Department of the Treasury (Treasury), has documents regarding General License No. 1 that addressed sanctions related to the Russian Federal Security Service impacting Executive Order #EO 13694 of April 1, 2015.
Treasury and its Office of Foreign Assets Control #OFAC.
Republican operative Billy Barr's daughter was installed at FinCEN.
Remember Billy purjured himself in congressional testimony.
Man the #Sentinel1 images of NW #Greenland look *cool*
(Sentinel 1 is an #ESA radar satellite - so it can see through clouds, but the images are in black and white)
#SciArt #EarthArt #EO #ESAClimate #EarthObservation #SatPic #Satellite #RemoteSensing
#RemoteSensing #satellite #satpic #earthobservation #esaclimate #eo #earthart #sciart #esa #Greenland #Sentinel1
Mini but Mighty! 💪
That's what the short videos of the new EOMasters Mini series are like.
The first video is about the importance of flags in Earth Observation data analysis.
#eo #EarthObservation #tutorial #remotesensing
Eos - Education Lies Beneath the Clouds of Earth Observation
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #gischat #remotesensing #satellite #earthobservation #cloudcomputing #cloudstorage #education #EO #learning #teachingmethods #opensource #ethics #public #geoethics #stakeholders #social #cultural #environmental #publichealth #climatechange #usecases #appliedscience #global #changes #earth #datasources #opendata #usercommunity #students #scientists #educators #researchers #contributions
#gis #spatial #mapping #gischat #remotesensing #satellite #earthobservation #cloudcomputing #cloudstorage #education #eo #learning #teachingmethods #opensource #ethics #public #geoethics #stakeholders #social #cultural #environmental #publichealth #climatechange #usecases #appliedscience #global #changes #earth #datasources #opendata #usercommunity #students #scientists #educators #researchers #contributions
#Bidenadmin backs #labgrownmeat as part of an #EO #FrankenFood
#bidenadmin #labgrownmeat #eo #frankenfood
Amuza fakto de #UK2023: Kial du malnovaj nefunkciaj trajnoj en la centro de la trafikcirklo estas videbla apud la kongreso? Ĉar apud la konstruaĵo de la inauguro, esploristoj studis la dezajno de trajnoj (fonto: unu kongresano studis en la politeknika universitato kaj diris al mi) #Esperanto #esperanto2023 #eo
#eo #esperanto2023 #esperanto #uk2023
Hey those #remotesensing #EO #scientists out there
if you are user of NASA's Worldview , it is currently not displaying MODIS and VIIRS images because a major hardware failure and they are working to bring it back online. It may take a few days.
Other imagery such as GOES and Level 2 data is still available.
#RemoteSensing #eo #scientists
Check out my new blog post.
#blog #newblogpost #satellites #eo #space