#Top5Ships Man, this is hard. Atm it’s:
Barry Allen/Eobard Thawne | #Eobarry (Flash TV, comics)
Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy/Spock/Nyota Uhura | (#StarTrek : TOS, reboot, I have yet to see most of DISC + any SNW)
Connor/Hank Anderson | #Hankcon (Detroit: Become Human)
Izuku ‘Deku’ Midoriya/Yagi ‘All Might’ Toshinori | #DekuMight (My Hero Academia)
Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort | #Tomarry #Harrymort (Harry Potter, and screw JKR - I am trans.)
#top5ships #eobarry #startrek #hankcon #dekumight #tomarry #harrymort
My version of Eobard/Reverse-Flash from DC Superhero Girls
#dcshg #theflash #reverseflash #eobardthawne #eobarry