Los Angeles Clippers SL | SLOB EOG Diamond Decoy X #Basketball #eog #LosAngelesClippers #NBA #PacificDivision #slob #SummerLeague #WesternConference
#basketball #eog #losangelesclippers #nba #pacificdivision #slob #summerleague #westernconference
Loupe - ein neuer Bildbetrachter für den GNOME-Desktop
Als reiner Bildbetrachter macht das Werkzeug jetzt bereits einen sehr guten Eindruck. Zukünftig soll es weitere Funktionen bieten, die in typischen Anwendungsfällen vorkommen.
#Loupe #bildbetrachter #workflow #eog #gthumb #linux
Simply PF2e No. 25: Pharasma, Lady of Graves. She's been around so long not even the other gods remember a time before her.
#SimplyPF2e #ttrpg #pathfinder2e #pf2e #EOG #EldritchOsirisGames
#SimplyPF2e #ttrpg #pathfinder2e #pf2e #eog #eldritchosirisgames
Simply PF2e No. 24: Bulk. Here's a link to the Bulk Conversion for Different Sizes over at Archives of Nethys for those of you playing Tiny or Large ancestries
#ttrpg #pathfinder2e #pf2e #SimplyPF2e #EOG #EldritchOsirisGames
#ttrpg #pathfinder2e #pf2e #SimplyPF2e #eog #eldritchosirisgames
Just some screenshots of EOG a image viewer running on the Pinephone.
#Pinephone #EOG #Phosh #Librem5 #LinuxMobile #LinuxPhone
Note: It scales really well but switching between the images can still be a bit annoying. I currently use it myself and it generally works well.
#phosh #linuxmobile #pinephone #eog #librem5 #linuxphone