SubtleBlade ⚔️ · @SubtleBlade
193 followers · 3690 posts · Server

Latest estimate of & error in gov main administered -19 support schemes: (), (), [the virus]().

'...the total value of error and fraud is now estimated to be between £3.3 billion and £7.3 billion, with a most likely estimate of £5.0 billion (an error and fraud rate of between 3.3% and 7.4% with a most likely estimate of 5.1%).'

#ToryCorruption #eoho #eatouttohelpout #seiss #selfemploymentincomesupportscheme #cjrs #coronavirusjobretentionscheme #COVID #hmrc #uk #fraud

Last updated 1 year ago

Thiemo Fetzer · @fetzert
1677 followers · 956 posts · Server

did cause people eating out...figures from showed how people flocked to restaurants on Mon-Wed when the discount was available and likely reduced visits on days the subsidy was not available (weekends).

To establish & quantify the link btw & infections I do two exercises: I use a DID design showing that in areas with higher uptake of infections surged differentially one week after the scheme started & declined again a week after the scheme ended.

#eotho #opentable #COVID19 #eoho #covid

Last updated 2 years ago