Loved @everythingopen? Love #OpenSource, #OpenHardware or #opendata?
You might be interested in running your own #EverythingOpen or similar #conference in 2024/5.
We're seeking expressions of interest #EoI in submitting a Conference Bid OR being part of an organising team for the 2024 and/or 2025 conferences - please email to register interest.
Conference Bid Information Session:
📅 7:30pm AEST (UTC+10)
Tomorrow, 8 May 2023
Register here:
#opensource #openhardware #opendata #everythingopen #conference #eoi
RT @EU_CloudEdgeIoT
What should come next for #Cloud #Edge and #IoT❓
📢DG CONNECT launches an #EoI to contribute to & invites everyone who wishes to express their visionary perspectives on the #future of the European #research and #innovation programmes 2025-27
#cloud #edge #iot #eoi #future #research #innovation
La clase de 2ESO🇪🇸 ha utilizado los 🗺, que el Ayuntamiento de Valladolid nos envió 🙏, para orientarse por la ciudad #PlazaMayor #Catedral #ColegioSanGregorio 🗣"Acabo de llegar a la estación de #RENFE ¿cuál es el camino más corto para ir a la #PlazaMayor?" #EOI
#plazamayor #catedral #colegiosangregorio #renfe #eoi
Hidden among the withdrawal of #ExpressionsOfInterest from the pool and requirement to resubmit with the new TEER/NOC was an announcement that the points/scoring factors would also be changing #EOI #OINP #PNP #PR
#expressionsofinterest #eoi #oinp #pnp #pr
Doncs res, l'esperança era ferma, la #eoi finalment s'oferia a distància 🤗 i els que tenim dues feines podíem somiar! Però una vegada més, la #gva i la seua previsió/oferta de places i gestió a la xarxa (com en altres convocatòries) se'n van a fer la mà 😥 Un altre any serà 😔