Call for Google Summer of Code 2020 (#GSOC)! Be our Summer Student and code your #opensource #space projects with us, #KSat_Stuttgart (Uni_Stuttgart) & #ep2lab (uc3m).
Check here, apply now!
#opensource #space #gsoc #ksat_stuttgart #ep2lab
Uff, the last day of #gsoc's students application phase is always the busiest. Thank u all, students, to ask us and everyone in our #zulip chat. Now it is time for us to view your applications to #ardnnews #KSat_Stuttgart #ep2lab. Expect more #space questions from us :) #gsoc2019 #GoogleSummerofCode
#gsoc #zulip #ardnnews #ksat_stuttgart #ep2lab #space #gsoc2019 #googlesummerofcode