Können wir mal über die UX der #ePA (elektronische Patientenakte nicht nPA der mal ePA hieß…) reden? In diesem Fall am Beispiel der KKH App aber einige Sachen sind strukturell.
Hier der Screen um einer Ärztin Zugriff zu geben. Das ist ein Standard Flow durch den jeder muss der da Zugriffsberechtigungen teilen soll. (1/x)
9/11 SPECIAL EDITION: Controlled ECONOMIC demolition of America is now under way
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 11, 2023
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #democrats #USA #America #freedom #EPA #biden #china
Watch full broadcast here: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #Democrats #usa #America #freedom #epa #Biden #China
9/11 SPECIAL EDITION: Controlled ECONOMIC demolition of America is now under way
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 11, 2023
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #democrats #USA #America #freedom #EPA #biden #china
Watch full broadcast here: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/hrreport
#MikeAdams #brighteon #collapse #economy #tyranny #government #Democrats #usa #America #freedom #epa #Biden #China
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 11, 2023 – 9/11 SPECIAL EDITION: Controlled ECONOMIC demolition of America is now under way
- New Mexico governor's attempt to ban the #SecondAmendment met with fierce resistance
- #DoNotComply public protests begin in #Albuquerque as armed Americans resist #tyranny
- #EPA bans water filters that filter out #COVID from water, claiming the filters are "pesticides"
- #Nike closes flagship store in #Portland OR due to rampant shoplifting and collapse of law
- Biden cancels energy exploration in Alaska in latest economic #sabotage of #America
- Liberty Safe company is owned and run by left-wing Democrats who clearly despise #liberty
- The US will lose the war with #Russia and the mirage of US military might will be shattered
- #China shocks the world with 7nm microprocessor breakthrough that defies US sanctions
#secondamendment #donotcomply #albuquerque #tyranny #epa #COVID #nike #Portland #SABOTAGE #America #liberty #russia #China
@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii @notjustbikes pretty shure they'd rather kill #EPA staff than bow before logic...
#sarcasm ofc
@threetails @douglasvb @GreenFire @fuchsiii We can blame the #USA's #EPA and their #CAFE regulations on the #Fattening of #Cars and the rise of the #SuperUselessVehicles ...
#SuperUselessVehicles #Cars #fattening #cafe #epa #USA
The EPA is failing to enforce benzene pollution limits at refineries in Texas and nationally, a report says. Benzene is a carcinogen that can cause dizziness and headaches after repeated exposure. The report urges the EPA to take action to protect human health and the environment from this invisible threat.
Ich stelle mir die Frage, wo ich weiter mache, wenn mein Vertrauen in Grundrechte, Aufsichtsbehörden, @Bundesregierung und Rechtsstaat schon stark lädiert ist. 🤔
Okay, vielleicht war es auch einfach die falsche Annahme, dass "der Staat" kompetent ist und schon dafür sorgt, dass "alles gut" wird. ...
Fuck. #Chatkontrolle #Staatstrojaner #Vorratsdatenspeicherung #verAppleUng #ePA ... #GAFAM ... #Überwachungskapitalismus #Lobbyismus
#lobbyismus #uberwachungskapitalismus #gafam #epa #verappleung #vorratsdatenspeicherung #staatstrojaner #Chatkontrolle
2,1 Milliarden Euro für die Digitalisierung: Was plant Lauterbach?
#Digitalisierung: Lauterbach plant „Aufholjagt“ in der Versorgung und der Forschung – Patientenschützer sind skeptisch
https://deutsch.medscape.com/artikelansicht/4912870 #digitalization #DigitalHealth #ePA #ePD
#digitalisierung #digitalization #digitalhealth #epa #epd
US #EPA announces $19 million in new grant funding "to improve the climate resilience of the nation’s water infrastructure." https://www.epa.gov/dwcapacity/drinking-water-system-infrastructure-resilience-and-sustainability
"The ultrawealthy family of West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice is looking to reopen a shuttered industrial plant that for decades emitted chemicals that have harmed historically Black neighborhoods in Birmingham, Alabama."
"There are 14 total coke facilities in the US, owned by six parent companies. Of these 14 facilities, three are idle or closed"
PDF of EPA report:
#EPA #AirPollution #ChronicIllness
#epa #airpollution #chronicillness
#EPA delays new #AirQuality standards for ozone pollution until after #2024Election
> Decision on regulations for ground-level ozone – AKA smog – avoids election-year battle with industry groups and Republicans
#epa #airquality #2024Election
Habe heute, wie von meiner Krankenkasse (AOK) gewünscht, die #ePA App aktualisiert. Jetzt ist EY als Betreiber dran statt IBM. Soweit ich das sehen kann, ist nur ein neuer Menüpunkt aufgetaucht: "Daten als PDF exportieren". Meine Ärzte werden jauchzen. :)
“The delay marks the second time in 12 years that a Democratic administration has put off a new ozone standard prior to an election year. President Barack Obama shut down plans to tighten ozone standards in 2011, leading to a four-year delay before the standards were updated in 2015” #ClimateCrisis #EPA https://apnews.com/article/epa-ozone-pollution-biden-smog-lung-6688a04e605dbba9c7e348d6646783fc
@MrLee @mjc0961 And yes, I do blame the #EPA as well as generally lax #regulation in terms of #DrivingLicenses and the rampant existance of #HitAndRun accidents in the #USA, which are mostly unknown in the #EU or at least in #Germany in comparison to that...
To be that sounds like a cry for help amidst the #MotorizedViilence being normalized.
#motorizedviilence #Germany #EU #USA #HitAndRun #drivinglicenses #regulation #epa
If you live in the #USA & you care about mitigating #ClimateChange, then add your name to this https://www.evergreenaction.com/actions/epa-further-faster?utm_source=CTvideo&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=100clean
#usa #climatechange #climateaction #epa
#eAkte: Wie viel Zeit benötigen Ärzte für die Befüllung? https://www.handelsblatt.com/inside/digital_health/elektronische-patientenakte-wie-viel-zeit-benoetigen-aerzte-fuer-die-epa-befuellung/29364994.html #ePA
#Digitalisierung in der #Gesundheitsbranche: Deutschland kann doch ein bisschen digital https://www.wiwo.de/politik/deutschland/elektronische-gesundheitsakte-deutschland-kann-doch-ein-bisschen-digital/29363384.html #ePA
#digitalisierung #gesundheitsbranche #epa
Trump-era change allowing the logging of old-growth forests violates laws, judge says
> PENDLETON, Ore. (AP) — U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew Hallman on Thursday found that the U.S. Forest Service violated the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Forest Management Act and the Endangered Species Act when it amended a protection that had been in place since 1994.
https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/trump-era-change-allowing-the-logging-of-old-growth-forests-violates-laws-judge-says #DonaldTrump #GOP #Republican #EPA
#epa #republican #gop #DonaldTrump
"The Biden administration weakened regulations protecting millions of acres of wetlands on Tuesday, saying it had no choice after the supreme court sharply limited the federal government’s jurisdiction over them."
#Environment #epa #wetlands #america #USA #US