RT @EngProfCouncil
6 reasons why you should be at #EPCCongress23: new models @nmite_ac in 6 weeks:
2. Our awesome line up of speakers. VIPs, a dozen+ HE providers, Plus @AdvanceHE @dyson @Pearson_UK @RAEngNews @Siemens @SkilledEdu @up_Reach @Wonkhe http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
RT @EngProfCouncil
Early bird rates to #EPCCongress23 end on 5 May. Join us @nmite_ac 12-14 June for valuable insights into new model HE engineering. Our speaker list is second to none. Check it out and book now
6 reasons why you should be at #EPCCongress23: new models @nmite_ac in 6 weeks:
2. Our awesome line up of speakers. VIPs, a dozen+ HE providers, Plus @AdvanceHE @dyson @Pearson_UK @RAEngNews @Siemens @SkilledEdu @up_Reach @Wonkhe http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
Ruth’s work for @RAEngNews on establishing a framework for academic promotion via teaching pathways is fantastic. Don’t miss hearing her speak at #EPCCongress23
RT @EngProfCouncil
📣Speaker announcement: We are delighted to announce that Dr Ruth Graham, author of Improving University Reward for Teaching: A Roadmap for Change
will be speaking at this year's Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac #NewMo…
RT @EngProfCouncil
6 reasons why you should be #EPCCongress23: new models in 6 weeks:
1. A glimpse into the @nmite_ac new model. Many of us have angled for an invite, here’s yours! See the brand new sustainable smart campus and original city centre challenger campus http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
📣Speaker announcement: We are delighted to announce that Dr Ruth Graham, author of Improving University Reward for Teaching: A Roadmap for Change
will be speaking at this year's Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac #NewModels #Hereford
#epccongress23 #newmodels #Hereford
Last chance for discounted tickets to #EPCCongress23
RT @EngProfCouncil
Early bird rates to #EPCCongress23 end on 5 May. Join us @nmite_ac 12-14 June for valuable insights into new model HE engineering. Our speaker list is second to none. Check it out and book now
6 reasons why you should be #EPCCongress23: new models in 6 weeks:
1. A glimpse into the @nmite_ac new model. Many of us have angled for an invite, here’s yours! See the brand new sustainable smart campus and original city centre challenger campus http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
Early bird rates to #EPCCongress23 end on 5 May. Join us @nmite_ac 12-14 June for valuable insights into new model HE engineering. Our speaker list is second to none. Check it out and book now
📣Speaker announcement: We are thrilled to announce that @Vicki__Stott, Chief Executive @QAAtweets will on our values-led engineering panel at this year's Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac Booking & full programme available http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
RT @JohnnySRich
I’m so proud of the fact that @EngProfCouncil offers these free places (accom too) to early career academics to attend #EPCCongress23 - an amazing opportunity. Without funding though few would be able to come. They’d miss out and their perspective would be lost. https://twitter.com/engprofcouncil/status/1651147138007547906
Be quick! We only have **ONE** EPC sponsored ECS space remaining for the Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac See Early career staff OFFER: http://bit.ly/EANCongress23. Accommodation included.
RT @EngProfCouncil
Are you early career staff? Do you want to engage with the Engineering Academics Network? Here's how to bag a free or heavily discounted ticket to Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPC…
RT @EngProfCouncil
Are you early career staff? Do you want to engage with the Engineering Academics Network? Here's how to bag a free or heavily discounted ticket to Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac #NewModels
See Early career staff OFFER: http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
Are you early career staff? Do you want to engage with the Engineering Academics Network? Here's how to bag a free or heavily discounted ticket to Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac #NewModels
See Early career staff OFFER: http://bit.ly/EANCongress23
📣Speaker announcement: We are delighted to announce that The Rt Hon @Jesse_Norman MP, Minister of State (Decarbonisation and Technology) will be speaking at this year's Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac #NewModels #Hereford
#epccongress23 #newmodels #Hereford
RT @EngProfCouncil
Book now for early bird rates to #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac 12-14 June.
Join us for valuable new model insights into engineering recruitment; delivery; curriculum; assessment; employability; academic employment and progression; and funding.
Register: https://epc.ac.uk/event/engineering-academics-network-annual-congress-2023-new-models/
Book now for early bird rates to #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac 12-14 June.
Join us for valuable new model insights into engineering recruitment; delivery; curriculum; assessment; employability; academic employment and progression; and funding.
Register: https://epc.ac.uk/event/engineering-academics-network-annual-congress-2023-new-models/
RT @nmite_ac
@EngProfCouncil @UniversitiesUK @viviennestern We are looking forward to this. Great to have @viviennestern visiting NMITE as part of the #EPCCongress23 🙌🏻
📣Speaker announcement: We are delighted to announce that @UniversitiesUK CEO Vivienne Stern MBE @viviennestern will be speaking at this year's Engineering Academics Network Congress #EPCCongress23 at @nmite_ac #NewModels #Hereford
Register now at https://epc.ac.uk/event/engineering-academics-network-annual-congress-2023-new-models/
#epccongress23 #newmodels #Hereford