Artemisia I of Caria (l. 480 BCE) was the queen of the Anatolian region of Caria (south of ancient Lydia, in modern-day Turkey). She is most famous for her role in the naval Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE in which she fought for the Persians. #ArtemisiaIofCaria #BattleofSalamis #Ephesos
#ephesos #battleofsalamis #artemisiaiofcaria
Ephesia Grammata
According to #Pausanias a sequence of #mystic letters which was inscribed on the famous statue of #Artemis of #Ephesos was used in rituals for protection.
These letters could be spoken as well as used as an inscription. They are:
Askion Kataskion Lix Tetrax Damnameneus Aision (or Aisia)
The use of these letters is attested in ancient ritual manuals and on artefacts.
In this magic book a “Charm of #Hekate Ereschigal against fear of punishment” is preserved.
#pausanias #mystic #artemis #ephesos #hekate #AncientMagic