#ephys study of monkeys reveals a 2-stage mechanism for recalling #SemanticMemory: 1. retrieve its allocentric representation in #PerirhinalCortex, 2. represent the retrieved information in the 1st-person perspective by #hippocampal neurons #PLOSBiology https://plos.io/3qB4Olx
#plosbiology #hippocampal #perirhinalcortex #semanticmemory #ephys
Do you use #neuropixels or #highdensity probes? Are your recordings filling up your hard drives?
We got you covered!
In the first preprint from
for Neural Dynamics, we looked at ways to reduce the footprint of #ephys data.
#Neuropixels #highDensity #ephys
@elduvelle We are a #neuroscience lab and I consider myself a #neuroscientist. We do both #Ephys and #CalciumImaging in the lab, but I don't do it myself personally–I wish. At least I do some of the software programming, which I enjoy immensely.
#neuroscientist #calciumimaging #ephys #neuroscience
RT @Channelopath_24
Wonderful news: a new series of webinars on #IonChannels #Ephys #Channelopathies organized by the rising stars from the field. Very recommended! https://twitter.com/sgpweb/status/1648287894757318656
#Channelopathies #ephys #ionchannels
RT @sophionbio
Great opportunity for #PhD #studentships to learn & train in one of best #ionchannel labs in the world.
With @SwissIonChannel & all beautiful #Bern, #Switzerland
#ephys #electrophysiology #patchclamp #arrythmia #cardiac #familial #genetics #channelopathies https://twitter.com/SwissIonChannel/status/1647258595774406657
#Channelopathies #genetics #familial #cardiac #arrythmia #patchclamp #electrophysiology #ephys #switzerland #bern #ionchannel #studentships #phd
There is still time to apply for the iBio_Sorbonne #neuro #summerschool !! Come learn about computational #analysis for #behavior #ephys #imaging in the south of France #Banyuls Theory and hands-on training on real #datasets. It's cheap and travel help is available. Please spread widely!!
#datasets #banyuls #imaging #ephys #behavior #analysis #summerschool #neuro
RT @sophionbio
Always great speakers, often with unpublished, groundbreaking #sodium #ionchannel work.
Thanks (again) to @LampertLabRWTH & @SwissIonChannel for continuing their #WWNav Seminar series.
Think this must be 3rd season: real-time, no #netflix bingeing.
#ephys #electrophysiology https://twitter.com/LampertLabRWTH/status/1627587521776345088
#electrophysiology #ephys #netflix #wwnav #ionchannel #sodium
#NeuroMastodon #ephys #spikesorting
SpikeInterface v0.97.0 has been released on #PyPi: https://pypi.org/project/spikeinterface/
Just run:
>>> pip install --upgrade spikeinterface
The new release includes several new features and updates to the package! A detailed list of changes can be found here:
Happy #spikesorting to everyone!!!
#NeuroMastodon #ephys #spikesorting #pypi
#ionchannels #channelopathies - Very recommended lab for a #ephys post-doc in #Germany!
RT @IamshanovaO
#postdocposition 🧑🔬 in the lab of @LampertLabRWTH to study #sodiumchannels in the context of disease modelling of human pain ⚡️🧫
to learn more:
#SodiumChannels #postdocposition #Germany #ephys #Channelopathies #ionchannels
Is there any smart tool for extracting population spike times which would be more reliable than thresholding and removing synchrofacts and discard less data than single-unit extraction? #ephys
@kordinglab @PessoaBrain oh boy I've got to read both pieces because I don't know how one would argue about the existence and importance of switching networks. They also don't seem at all at odds with modular networks.
Work from the extended Eve Marder universe on the Crab #STG, #Neuromodulation, and #ContextualModulation as always is useful here: In a network of just 40-ish neurons, there are clear sub circuits with clearly defined computations with cells with well defined roles. There are also neurons that belong to multiple circuits, linking them together and qualitatively changing both their and the jointly-defined circuits behavior per neuromodulation, longer timescale circuit rhythms, and behavioral/organismal context. It seems extremely unlikely to me that this is a byproduct of the particular ganglion, by far the more parsimonious interpretation is that this is fundamental to how densely connected excitable dynamical systems with diverse functional requirements work - the combinatoric computational benefits are obvious, and the empirical fact of their existence is impossible to deny.
Haven't read the piece(s) yet and would be surprised if they didn't mention this work. Can pull citations and more detailed argument when at computer. it hardly makes me an expert but Lauren Hewitt and I did a project on this at the #MBL with some #DynanicClamp #EPhys , so I already have the argument organized.
#stg #neuromodulation #contextualmodulation #mbl #dynanicclamp #ephys
We decided to focus our study on a single #celltype, dentate gyrus granule cells, and produce multiple #singlecell #data #modalities: #snRNA, #ephys, reconstructed morphologies and synaptic density.
#celltype #SingleCell #data #modalities #snrna #ephys
RT by @EegManyPipes
Preprint alarm📢 Do you care about an inclusive and fair science culture, good scientific practices, and reproducible and reliable results? Or perhaps about the brain or #EEG (or #MEG, #iEEG, #ephys, etc.)?
Then check out our latest preprint👇
https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/jq342/ 🧵
RT @EegManyPipes@twitter.com
Preprint alarm📢 Do you care about an inclusive and fair science culture, good scientific practices, and reproducible and reliable results? Or perhaps about the brain or #EEG (or #MEG, #iEEG, #ephys, etc.)?
Then check out our latest preprint👇
https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/jq342/ 🧵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EegManyPipes/status/1602594077270331393
RT @EegManyPipes@twitter.com
Preprint alarm📢 Do you care about an inclusive and fair science culture, good scientific practices, and reproducible and reliable results? Or perhaps about the brain or #EEG (or #MEG, #iEEG, #ephys, etc.)?
Then check out our latest preprint👇
https://osf.io/preprints/metaarxiv/jq342/ 🧵
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/EegManyPipes/status/1602594077270331393
My lab will use #ephys, #-omics, and #circuittracing to bridge #retina and brain biology. I’ll post soon job ads but you can already send me an email if you're interested in a master/PhD/postdoc. Come work with me @unibe in beautiful Bern! 3/5
#retina #circuittracing #ephys
Next, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/ejn.15866
Here authors go deep into slice #ephys to show cholinergic neuromodulation of #LC NAergic cells and periLC #interneurons, via muscarinic Ach receptors.
In an interesting twist, mAchR activation *both* increases spontaneous activity of the forementioned cell types, *and* suppresses inhibitory input to LC-NA neurons.
Data indicate that, in a receptor-specific manner, cholinergic neuromodulation alters E/I relations within the LC
Then, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.09.07.506929v1.full
Using a combination of slice #ephys and #2photon imaging the authors showed that activation of #LC noradrenergic neurons induces lateral inhibition via alpha2 adrenoreceptors.
Lateral inhibition was stronger in spatially proximal cells, and was cross-modular in its nature 👀: distinct, projection-specific #LC nodes preferentially silenced other modules, in a competition for dominance that might steer LC tonic activity in accordance to needs & circumstances
However still waiting to see the RyR-CaV EC coupling complex with all the requisite CaMs #moa #ephys #ECcoupling