Mit unbeschränktem digitalen Euro müssten Banken regelrecht eine Leistung bieten, damit die Kunden ihnen das Geld zur Verfügung stellen. Die #Banken Lobby arbeitet auch schon hart, damit der digitale Euro auf einen maximalen Haltebetrag begrenzt wird. Außerdem könnten die Einnahmen durch Kartenzahlung massiv einbrechen, wenn es eine kostenlose digitale Zahlungsart gibt.
Ich freue mich auf die #EPI, wenn das Duopol von Visa und MasterCard fällt. #digitalerEuro
Gov dataset documentation sometimes says that estimates with relative standard errors greater than 30% are unreliable and/or supressed. I'm trying to understand: Does that mean that they're judging the confidence interval to be so wide that it's not meaningful? Clearly that would depend on what's being measured and the use case no?
#epi #stata #rstats #stats #statistics
Finally getting back to my #SociologySunday lecture series (free!). This week: intro to sociological perspective on health disparities.
#MedicalSociology #HealthDisparities #PublicHealth #Epi #SocialEpi #Epidemiology #Sociology #OpenEducation #Lecture #MiniLecture #FreeResources
#sociologysunday #medicalsociology #healthdisparities #publichealth #epi #socialepi #epidemiology #sociology #openeducation #lecture #minilecture #freeresources
📢New article!
"A Systematic Review of Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Prevalence and Treatment in Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes"
(Find an author copy + access all of my research at!)
Or read my summary here:
#diabetes #type1diabetes #type2diabetes #EPI #PEI #exocrinepancreaticinsufficiency #gastrodon #gastroparesis #celiac
#diabetes #type1diabetes #type2diabetes #epi #pei #exocrinepancreaticinsufficiency #Gastrodon #gastroparesis #celiac
Excellent piece by David Lodge about priorities and how to prevent the next pandemic #epidemiology #economics #epi-econ
I’ve recently migrated from another instance so it might be time for an #Introduction
Hi I’m Jennie, from Adelaide, South Australia. I work as a biostatistician in clinical research, and I’m interested in #ResearchIntegrity, #stats, #epi and #PublicHealth.
I have many #cats and enjoy #music (of many different kinds) and #history. But a lot of the time I try not to be overwhelmed by the rising tide of horribleness which is happening all around us.
#introduction #ResearchIntegrity #stats #epi #publichealth #cats #music #history
Our latest just out in #Science Advances. Truly fortunate to work with and learn from this amazing group of scholars. #epidemiology #economics #epi-econ #covid19
#COVID19 #epi #economics #epidemiology #science
Moet een arts/verloskundige altijd toestemming vragen of mag in nood situaties ook toestemming worden voorondersteld.
@Gynaecoloog @De_KNOV #verloskunde #obstetrie #gynaecologie #knip #epi #episiotomie
#DeCartoonVanMarc #episiotomie #epi #knip #gynaecologie #obstetrie #verloskunde
What did you have for dinner last night?
(*What I actually ate for dinner, but not my PERT or dosing or ratios etc.)
Meal estimation coming soon in what will be the next version, v0.0.4, of PERT Pilot! 😊
(PERT Pilot available for free download:
Designed for people with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, like me. #EPI #PEI #PI #gastrodon #Gastroenterology
#epi #pei #pi #Gastrodon #Gastroenterology
Imagine locking a 10 year old lil girl in a room with this blaring for hours upon hours on end, only to check up on her at the end of the day and see the absolute braindead stroke addicted state she's left in 🥰🥰🥰
Why use PERT Pilot?
PERT Pilot enables people with exocrine pancreatic insufficiency to:
✍️🏼 Record meals, PERT dosing, and whether it worked or not
👀 See the relationship between enzymes & food consumed
📖 Review previous meals at a glance - and in a chart color coded by meal outcome!
PERT Pilot is available as a free download (until May 31, 2023) on the App Store:
#gastro #Gastrodon #Gastroenterology #epi #pei