" #OnThisDay in 1854 during a cholera outbreak in Soho, physician John Snow removed the handle of the water pump on Broad Street. Snow had theorised that a contaminated water supply had caused the outbreak, rather than air particles as was commonly thought, and received permission to remove the handle to prevent people using the water. This is regarded as an important moment in public health and hygiene, and foundational for the field of #epidemiology ."
#OnThisDay #epidemiology #publichealth
Update to #rstats 📦 apisensr (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/apisensr/), a Shiny front-end to 📦 episensr:
- additional functions from episensr 1.3.0 (counfounders.array, confounders.ext, misclassification.cov, multidimBias, misclassification using predictive values),
- parameters’ tables automatically resizing to window,
- option to set a seed for probabilistic analyses.
Also live at https://dhaine.shinyapps.io/apisensr/.
#epidemiology #epiverse 1/2
#epiverse #epidemiology #rstats
1/ 📄Preprint news!📄
"The impact of climate change and natural climate variability on the global distribution of Aedes aegypti"
▶️ Authors: Alex Kaye, Uri Obolski, Lantao Sun, James Hurrell, Mike Tildesley, RobinThompson.
🔗: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.31.23294902
#InfectiousDisease #EpiVerse #OneHealth #epidemiology #research #academia #science
#science #academia #research #epidemiology #OneHealth #epiverse #infectiousdisease
“A return to #masking has a clear logic in #hospitals. Sick patients come into close contact; medical procedures produce aerosols. “It’s a perfect storm for potential transmission of microbes,” Costi David Sifri, the director of hospital #epidemiology at UVA Health, told me. Hospitals are on the front lines of disease response: They, more than nearly any other place, must prioritize protecting society’s #vulnerable.” https://med-mastodon.com/@luckytran/111025404055879772
#masking #hospitals #epidemiology #vulnerable
#Epidemiology #PublicHealth #neuroscience #Dementia is a loss of thinking, remembering, and reasoning skills. It’s not a normal part of aging. But the risk of developing dementia grows as people get older. Millions of Americans, along with their families and caregivers, are living with the effects of dementia. This number is expected to continue to grow as the population ages.
#epidemiology #publichealth #neuroscience #dementia
1/ At third and final day of @IDDconf 2023, there are three more contributions from @WarwickSBIDER!
Talks from PhD Student Michael Smah, Dept. of Statistics Simon Spencer & @WMI_research Ed Hill (@EdMHill)
#science #academia #research #epidemiology #modelling #EpiVerse #InfectiousDisease
#infectiousdisease #epiverse #modelling #epidemiology #research #academia #science
From one of that talks at IDDconf today, a summary of the JUNIPER partnership and upcoming activities.
Exciting opportunities to engage and be involved in an inter-university community of epidemiological modellers working at the interface of infectious disease control and health policy!
#science #academia #research #epidemiology #modelling #EpiVerse #InfectiousDisease
#infectiousdisease #epiverse #modelling #epidemiology #research #academia #science
1/ Day 2 of IDDconf2023!
Three contributions in the morning talks from HATMEPP's Sam Sutherland, MathSys CDT PhD student Alex Kaye, HATMEPP's Ching-I Huang & @WMI_research Louise Dyson.
#science #academia #research #epidemiology #modelling #EpiVerse #InfectiousDisease
#infectiousdisease #epiverse #modelling #epidemiology #research #academia #science
#SARS2 exhibits a cunning epidemiological strategy. Its delayed and progressive impacts seem to manifest just beyond typical election cycles, conveniently allowing leaders to overlook its long-term consequences, as their immediate political futures are unaffected by the denial.
#epidemiology #epiverse #SARS2
World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) High Pathogenicity #Avian #Influenza (#HPAI) - Situation Report 47
▶️ Info submitted through World Animal Health Information System of WOAH
▶️ Covers 14 Jul - 24 Aug 2023
▶️ 38 new outbreaks reported in #poultry (in 8 countries/territories)
▶️ 152 outbreaks in non-poultry birds & animals (reported across 21 countries)
▶️ About 230,000 poultry birds died or culled worldwide during 6 week period
🔗: https://www.woah.org/app/uploads/2023/09/hpai-situation-report-20230825.pdf
#epidemiology #birdflu #H5N1 #poultry #hpai #influenza #avian
#Italy, Weekly #COVID19
#Surveillance #Report - 30 August 2023, Source: Ministry of Health, https://www.salute.gov.it/imgs/C_17_monitoraggi_192_0_fileNazionale.pdf #SARS_CoV_2 #epidemiology #pandemic #update
#Italy #COVID19 #surveillance #report #SARS_COV_2 #epidemiology #pandemic #update
Update to #rstats 📦 episensr, version 1.3.0 to include bias-adjusting for exposure misclassification using predictive values https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/episensr/ https://dhaine.github.io/episensr/ #epiverse #epidemiology
#epidemiology #epiverse #rstats
COVID infection risk rises the longer you are exposed — even for vaccinated people
"Prolonged exposure in close proximity to someone with COVID-19 puts people at high risk of catching the disease, even if they’ve had both the disease and vaccinations against it, a study1 shows.
The study, published this month in Nature Communications, reveals that the greater a person’s exposure to SARS-CoV-2, the more vulnerable they are to infection, regardless of their vaccination status. This relationship has long been suspected, but the study is one of the first to document it.
The findings point to the importance of masking, improved ventilation and other measures that reduce exposure to the virus, says Akiko Iwasaki, an immunobiologist at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who was not part of the study.
The finding “just makes intuitive sense,” she says. “But now there’s evidence that these [measures] are probably going to be important to help the vaccine-mediated immunity work for you.”
1/ “FAO Animal Production & Health / Report 20: Global consultation on highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI)”
▶️ FAO & Network of Expertise on Animal Influenza (OFFLU) brought together scientific community to review latest scientific evidence
▶️ Meeting held 02-04 May 2023, attended by over 200 participants in-person & online
▶️ Report summarises meeting discussions & key recommendations
Report 🔗: https://www.fao.org/3/cc7302en/cc7302en.pdf
#HPAI #H5N1 #influenza #epidemiology #EpiVerse #OneHealth #zoonotic
#zoonotic #OneHealth #epiverse #epidemiology #influenza #H5N1 #hpai
Nabity SA, Marks SM, Goswami ND, Smith SR, Timme E, Price SF, et al. Characteristics of and #deaths among 333 persons with #tuberculosis and #COVID19 in cross-sectional sample from 25 jurisdictions, #USA. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023 Oct [date cited]. https://doi.org/10.3201/eid2910.230286 #research #epidemiology #TB #poverty #obesity
#deaths #Tuberculosis #COVID19 #usa #research #epidemiology #tb #poverty #obesity
Sharing a paper I'm co-first-author on out today in BMC Medicine:
Tabby2: a user-friendly web tool for forecasting state-level TB outcomes in the United States
This is our writeup about the #shiny app we built to allow users to flexibly forecast the effects of interventions on tuberculosis, including improvements to targeted testing and treatment, diagnostics, and improvements to the care cascade.
#EpiVerse #Epidemiology #TB #Tuberculosis #Web #rstats @rstats
#rstats #web #tuberculosis #TB #epidemiology #epiverse #shiny
1/ 🎙️ Podcast alert 🎙️
Latest episode of the SBIDER Careers Podcast is now released, co-hosted by myself along with Laura Guzman Rincon!
For this episode we are joined by Sam Sutherland, a Research Associate (RA) in @WarwickSBIDER & a team member of the Human African Trypanosomiasis Modelling and Economic Predictions for Policy (HAT MEPP) research project.
🔗: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-w9f4c-14840af
#podcast #science #research #academia #SciComm #epidemiology #modelling #EpiVerse
#epiverse #modelling #epidemiology #scicomm #academia #research #science #podcast
1/ 🎙️ Podcast alert 🎙️
Listen to our latest episode of the SBIDER Careers Podcast!
In this episode @EdMHill and Laura Guzman Rincon are joined by health economist Sam Sutherland, a Research Associate (RA) in @WarwickSBIDER & a team member of the Human African Trypanosomiasis Modelling and Economic Predictions for Policy (HAT MEPP) research project.
🔗: https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-w9f4c-14840af
#podcast #science #research #academia #SciComm #epidemiology #modelling #EpiVerse @academicchatter
#epiverse #modelling #epidemiology #scicomm #academia #research #science #podcast
Wired: The Massive Campaign to Air-Drop Tiny Rabies Vaccines to Raccoons https://www.wired.com/story/the-massive-campaign-to-air-drop-tiny-rabies-vaccines-to-raccoons/ #infectiousdisease #SpecialDelivery #Science/Health #publichealth #epidemiology #wildlife #diseases #vaccines #Science #animals #viruses
#infectiousdisease #specialdelivery #science #publichealth #epidemiology #wildlife #diseases #vaccines #animals #viruses
Last paper from our Environmental Epidemiology research team at the university of Copenhagen: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.122396
Being more exposed ultrafine particules can increase the risk of being hospitalized for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases up to 1 week after.
Questions remains when co-exposures with other air pollution like PM2.5 or NO2 are considered.
#AirPollution #Epidemiology #Environment #Health #Science #Research
#research #science #health #environment #epidemiology #airpollution