Three more dead in fungal meningitis outbreak linked to tainted surgeries - Enlarge / One of the medical clinics suspended by Mexican health author... - #fungalmeningitis #cosmeticsurgery #matamoros #epidural #outbreak #science #surgery #health #mexico
#mexico #health #surgery #science #outbreak #epidural #matamoros #cosmeticsurgery #fungalmeningitis
Ars Technica: Deadly fungal meningitis cases nearly double as CDC rushes to find exposed #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #fungalmeningitis #Anesthesiology #medicaltourism #contamination #publichealth #anesthesia #TomChiller #infection #Maramatos #epidural #morphine #outbreak #cartels #Health #deaths #fungal #mexico #cases #spine #CDC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #fungalmeningitis #anesthesiology #medicaltourism #contamination #publichealth #anesthesia #tomchiller #infection #maramatos #epidural #Morphine #outbreak #cartels #health #deaths #fungal #mexico #cases #spine #cdc
Deadly fungal meningitis cases nearly double as CDC rushes to find exposed - Enlarge / One of the medical clinics suspended by Mexican health author... - #fungalmeningitis #anesthesiology #medicaltourism #contamination #publichealth #anesthesia #tomchiller #infection #maramatos #epidural #morphine #outbreak #cartels #health #deaths #fungal #mexico #cases #spine #cdc
#cdc #spine #cases #mexico #fungal #deaths #health #cartels #outbreak #morphine #epidural #maramatos #infection #tomchiller #anesthesia #publichealth #contamination #medicaltourism #anesthesiology #fungalmeningitis
Ars Technica: Two dead in US from tainted surgeries in Mexico; 206 more may have brain infections #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #RiverSideSurgicalCenter #Infectiousdisease #fungalmeningitis #medicaltourism #anesthetic #ClinicaK-3 #Matamoros #epidural #outbreak #Science #Health #deaths #mexico #cases #fungi #CDC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #riversidesurgicalcenter #infectiousdisease #fungalmeningitis #medicaltourism #anesthetic #clinicak #matamoros #epidural #outbreak #science #health #deaths #mexico #cases #fungi #cdc
Two dead in US from tainted surgeries in Mexico; 206 more may have brain infections - Enlarge / This 2006 image depicts two sides of a Petri dish (reverse L,... - #riversidesurgicalcenter #infectiousdisease #fungalmeningitis #medicaltourism #anesthetic #clinicak-3 #matamoros #epidural #outbreak #science #health #deaths #mexico #cases #fungi #cdc
#cdc #fungi #cases #mexico #deaths #health #science #outbreak #epidural #matamoros #clinicak #anesthetic #medicaltourism #fungalmeningitis #infectiousdisease #riversidesurgicalcenter
Don’t get an epidural in Mexico, CDC warns—40 dead, including 1 Texan - Enlarge (credit: Getty | BSIP)
At least five people in Texas h... - #fungalmeningitis #cosmeticsurgery #medicaltourism #anesthesia #meningitis #matamoros #epidural #outbreak #science #durango #surgery #deaths #mexico #texas #cdc
#cdc #texas #mexico #deaths #surgery #durango #science #outbreak #epidural #matamoros #meningitis #anesthesia #medicaltourism #cosmeticsurgery #fungalmeningitis
Ars Technica: Don’t get an epidural in Mexico, CDC warns—40 dead, including 1 Texan #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #fungalmeningitis #cosmeticsurgery #medicaltourism #anesthesia #meningitis #Matamoros #epidural #outbreak #Science #durango #surgery #deaths #mexico #texas #CDC
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #fungalmeningitis #cosmeticsurgery #medicaltourism #anesthesia #meningitis #matamoros #epidural #outbreak #science #durango #surgery #deaths #mexico #texas #cdc
Have you ever seen an epidural done on a horse?
Just like in human medicine, epidural injections are used for analgesia (pain relief). You can verify you are in the epidural space when negative pressure causes a drop of saline to be aspirated (sucked) into the needle.
#horsevet #internalmedicine #epidural #vetmedicine
I hate that I feel like a #drug #seeker when I asked to be put under during imaging that involves a #spinal #puncture or #epidural. I have had 7 #blood #patches, a #myelogram, and am now facing a nuclear #pleglet study to detect #CSF fluid in my sinus' and a dynamic myelogram. Every time I end up with massive muscles #spasms in my lower back or they ice pick my #sciatic nerve and #electric shocks shoot down my leg and it moves on its own. I ask because the #pain is always so bad.
#drug #seeker #spinal #puncture #epidural #blood #patches #myelogram #pleglet #csf #spasms #sciatic #electric #pain
Oh Deadly Epidural,
Your consequences were fatal
A doctor with a history
Had a duty to be wary
But his errors proved untraceable
#epidural #doctor #brooklyn #medicalerrors #ode #poetry
#epidural #brooklyn #doctor #MedicalErrors #ode #poetry
Had a good day in the world of #obstetricAnaesthesia I was lucky enough to help 2 of colleagues bring their babies into the world. One chose an elective section the other an epidural. Both had the birth experience they wanted. Such a privilege to be part of their story. It doesn’t matter how you deliver as long as you & your baby are both safe and well. #obstetricAnaesthesia #Epidural #Spinal #ElectiveSection #ChristmasBabies #lucky #FriendsAndColleagues
#obstetricanaesthesia #epidural #spinal #electivesection #christmasbabies #lucky #friendsandcolleagues