Look at the cost if my son's epilepsy med before applying Good RX.
Also, why I'll never vote Republican again.
Well my boys no longer qualify for medicaid. I now get to figure out how to budget medications. Thankfully my boy with epilepsy can take generic medications. That will help, however, I shudder to think what ADHD meds will cost.
I think the worst part is that if the neurologist were to recommend another EEG, the cost becomes a huge Factor in our decision rather than whether it would be beneficial for our child.
#epilepsyawareness #healthreform
Our healthcare system is so broke in the U.S. We spent the last 2 weeks waiting to see if these two were approved for Medicaid and they've been denied. The kicker is the last two weeks they've been uninsured. We run out of ADHD meds. And let's not forget that the wild hair teen has epilepsy.
#adhd #epilepsyawareness #heathcarereform
Daughter just had a 30 minute focal seizure 😟 I fannied about not knowing if I should give emergency meds as she kept looking like she was going to come out. Epilepsy is such a shit confusing thing. Anyway, she's fine and sleeping it off.
I'm so awake now at horrible 2am
Daughter just had a 30 minute focal seizure 😟 I fannied about not knowing if I should give emergency meds as she kept looking like she was going to come out. Epilepsy is such a shit confusing thing. Anyway, she's fine and sleeping it off.
I'm so awake now at horrible 2am
My kid got his permit today. He is legal to drive with a parent. There are those that do not understand that people with epilepsy that can be controlled, can do things like driving. It's no different than any other condition that needs to be managed.
So proud of my boy!
Hola Titánicos, cada 24 de mayo se conmemora el día nacional de la epilepsia, recordándonos la importancia que tiene para esta enfermedad estar informado, conocer de primera mano cómo poder abordar esta patología o reaccionar ante una #crisis de #epilepsia.
#epilepsy #epilepsyawareness #epilepsiarefrataria #epilepsiaespaña #epilepsie #discapacidad #somosdisca #crisisepiléptica #gentetitanica #visibilidad #cuidados #prevención #salud
#crisis #epilepsia #epilepsy #epilepsyawareness #epilepsiarefrataria #epilepsiaespana #epilepsie #discapacidad #somosdisca #crisisepileptica #gentetitanica #visibilidad #cuidados #prevencion #salud
I think I have a new favorite hockey player.
#PHF #WomensHockey #WomensSports #Hockey #Epilepsy #EpilepsyAwareness
#phf #womenshockey #womenssports #hockey #epilepsy #epilepsyawareness
#Epilepsy and safety #webinar 04-20 at 9:00 pm EST https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Vy4Eo_16Tx2WAoJqIRGY2Q?timezone_id=America/New_York
#disability #healthcare #EpilepsyAwareness
#epilepsy #webinar #disability #Healthcare #epilepsyawareness
#Epilepsy and safety #webinar 04-20 at 9:00 pm EST https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Vy4Eo_16Tx2WAoJqIRGY2Q?timezone_id=America/New_York
#disability #healthcare #EpilepsyAwareness
#epilepsy #webinar #disability #healthcare #epilepsyawareness
Struggling with topiramate today & still have a way to go increasing the dose. These anticonvulsants aren’t much fun #EpilepsyAwareness
Now available on Bandcamp - Mood Purple - for Epilepsy Awareness Day. Proceeds to go to epilepsy.org.uk. If you not into the music donate directly. Or if you are into the music but rather not go via Bandcamp/PayPal or even me, donate directly & dm me, I’ll happily send you a dl code.
#epilepsy #epilepsyawareness #epilepsyawarenessday #purpleday #modularsynth #ambientdrone #experiementalmusic #electronicmusic #eurorack #dronemusic
#epilepsy #epilepsyawareness #epilepsyawarenessday #purpleday #modularsynth #ambientdrone #experiementalmusic #electronicmusic #eurorack #dronemusic
Every day is a struggle still, but we just keep putting one foot in front of the other. #epilepsy #EpilepsyAwareness
🪷 #PurpleDay is the international day for #EpilepsyAwareness. On 26 March we wear purple for #InternationalEpilepsyDay to raise funds and awareness for people living with epilepsy. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 🪷
#purpleday #epilepsyawareness #internationalepilepsyday
I'm so tired of there being no resources for epileptics on whether a game is safe to play or not. It's 2023, why aren't there any? Sigh. I'm going to have to make said resource myself, aren't I?
#epilepsy #epilepsyawareness #Gaming
#Epilepsy advocacy and success stories #webinar 03-16 at 9:00 pm EST
#disability #healthcare #EpilepsyAwareness #DisabledAndCapable
#epilepsy #webinar #disability #Healthcare #epilepsyawareness #disabledandcapable
#Epilepsy advocacy and success stories #webinar 03-16 at 9:00 pm EST
#disability #healthcare #EpilepsyAwareness #DisabledAndCapable
#epilepsy #webinar #disability #healthcare #epilepsyawareness #disabledandcapable