on my previous account, I posted conference coverage for a few meetings (with a mixed number of posts; I do not know how to list just my posts):
- #epiLipidNet https://akademienl.social/tags/epiLipidNet
- #maasosf23 https://akademienl.social/tags/maasosf23
- #srd23 https://akademienl.social/tags/srd23
- #iwomi2023 https://akademienl.social/tags/iwomi2023
- #DMCM2023 https://akademienl.social/tags/DMCM2023
- the #OpenScienceChallenge https://akademienl.social/tags/OpenScienceChallenge
- #NanoInformaTIX https://akademienl.social/tags/NanoInformaTIX
- #BioHackEU22 https://akademienl.social/tags/BioHackEU22
#epilipidnet #maasosf23 #srd23 #iwomi2023 #dmcm2023 #opensciencechallenge #nanoinformatix #biohackeu22
at the end of the day, the vitamin A5/x pathway came up... I've started making a WikiPathways version of it: https://classic.wikipathways.org/index.php/Pathway:WP5397 #epiLipidNet
claim in another presentation: "Get Rich or Die Trying".
Well, yes, I guess this is true, in a very dark way. #epiLipidNet
from this first presentation: patents and publication are compatible; file first, then publish.
one thing I don't get (and not that interested in the answer) is why literature is not riddled with conflict-of-interest statements: "this research has been patented by filing XXXX"?
Or is the very idea of patenting science simply not a serious activity? #epiLipidNet
after the coffee break we start with a session "from the bench to the market". Unfortunately, it starts with patents. I guess the tone is set :/ #epiLipidNet
now Josep Julve is talking about long-chain ceramides and their relation to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and cardiomyopathy #epiLipidNet
next talk is by Noemi Rotlian Vila (Spain) about P116 and its role in scavenging cholesterol. I am quite fascinating into the chemistry of and inside LDL, HDL, and the likes, and the various roles of the involved proteins. I hope slides will be uploaded, because love to sit down with them to study the story in more detail #epiLipidNet
we had a nice lunch (with an acceptable cheese table) after that and I chatted with Matt from #LipidMaps about lipids, chemistry, and the likes. #epilipidnet
(did someone say 🧀 lipids? https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/article/73/5/259/1862394 👀)
the next talk was by Pierre Damien Denechaud (INSERM) about differences between white and brown adipose tissue and showing how lipids from these WAT/BATs and that their roles go beyond these tissue and are inter-organ players #epilipidnet
we started the #epilipidnet meeting this morning with a management meeting. and after coffee the conference started. The keynote was about about EpiLipidNET beyond 2024. This is one thing I like about Open Science projects: they are out there and won't disappear. Of course, maintenance is still needed, and for that the "beyond" remains important. However, and this is ESSENTIAL: the open license opens up greatly who the next maintainer will be: the Dr. Who Model of Open Science
I am attending the 4th #EpiLipidNET meeting in Toulouse tomorrow and Wednesday. Tomorrow I will demo @wikipathways @bridgedb and #pathvisio and on Wednesday I get to show some of the new things in these projects. I will cover the meeting from this account