Steven Zekowski · @steve_zeke
246 followers · 1498 posts · Server

I’m a retired allergist & agree w every word

An auto-injector can be the difference between life or death. When needed a second dose is required often enough that guidelines recommend ALWAYS having 2 available… at $600 each! That’s a burden for many patients: Spending $1200 each yr or 2 (expiration dates!) for drugs they usually never use if they remain vigilant.

As the article says these are old tech & generic epinephrine. Criminal greed at work!

#epinephrine #pharma

Last updated 1 year ago

Howard Smith MD, AM · @Drhowardsmith
1 followers · 503 posts · Server

FDA To Approve First Epinephrine Nasal Spray:
Good news for parents of kids with severe food allergies and asthma. ARS Pharmaceuticals has developed a system for delivery of lifesaving doses of epinephrine via a nasal spray.

#epinephrine #epipen #nasalspray #allergy #asthma

Last updated 1 year ago

TL Jordan · @dulcedemon
47 followers · 828 posts · Server

I learned the hard way that U.S. airlines are not currently required to have EpiPens

"Anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, is a life-threatening medical emergency and has to be treated with epinephrine as soon as possible. The glass vial of epinephrine planes carry is hard to use, and administering it safely involves multiple time-consuming steps that require medical knowledge."

#anaphylaxis #allergies #epinephrine #epipens

Last updated 1 year ago

KelsonV · @KelsonV
460 followers · 9487 posts · Server

At first I thought this was a followup to another story about an anaphylactic reaction during an airplane flight *last week*. No, it's a totally separate incident.

One patient had an expired epi-pen. The other had never had before.

Both planes had bottles of and a syringe, not an auto-injector. Fortunately there were doctors on both flights who knew how to properly fill and deliver a shot.

#anaphylaxis #epinephrine #allergy #foodallergy

Last updated 2 years ago

John Carlson · @JohnCarlson
630 followers · 291 posts · Server

: a patient develops hives, face swelling and hand swelling 40 minutes after being stung by a . Should they be prescribed autoinjectable ? My answer below.

#entomologyconsult #yellowjacket #epinephrine #venom #allergy #anaphylaxis

Last updated 2 years ago

Jack Iwashyna · @iwashyna
419 followers · 162 posts · Server
Leah Hanson · @leah
47 followers · 80 posts · Server

Different people have different background levels of . Excited, driven people have higher levels than mellower people.

and tend to work together. Higher dopamine would make epinephrine feel like excitement, for example. They work together to lead you towards specific experiences.

#dopamine #epinephrine

Last updated 2 years ago

Leah Hanson · @leah
14 followers · 36 posts · Server

Different people have different background levels of . Excited, driven people have higher levels than mellower people.

and tend to work together. Higher dopamine would make epinephrine feel like excitement, for example. They work together to lead you towards specific experiences.

#dopamine #epinephrine

Last updated 2 years ago · @hackster_io
480 followers · 2293 posts · Server

RT from blues wireless (@blueswireless)

Introducing the Climate-Aware Tracker, EpiCAT! Protect your loved ones & get peace of mind when it comes to your . Brought to you by @zfields in his latest @Hacksterio post:

Original tweet :

#epinephrine #epipen #IoTforAll #IoTforGood

Last updated 2 years ago

eSagan 🇮🇳 · @crackurbones
103 followers · 1741 posts · Server

🧫 The synaptic terminal has these entities here, which are called synaptic vesicles, and they're small, little organelles.

🧫 They're little vesicles made of a membrane; just like the cell has a cell membrane, these vesicles have a vesicular membrane.
The neurotransmitters are within the vesicular membrane.

🧫 And, the neurotransmitter can be any number of a number of different molecules — , , , , , , , , , .

🧫 The neurotransmitters are packaged in vesicles. The second thing that's important about this is that we can use the synthesis of a as a therapeutic tool.

🧫 So, for instance, Dopamine is missing in .
It's not that dopamine isn't made per say, that's there's a problem with making it — it's that the cells that make it die.

🧫 There's something called 'Mass Effect', which means that you take the starting chemical (the substrate) and then through a series of enzymatic processes reaction, through a series of enzymatic reactions, we end up with a neurotransmitter.

🧫 In the case of Dopamine, what we do to treat in most people with Parkinson's is that we give them the substrate — and so that (drug) is what is commonly known as or .

🧫 So we flood the system with substrate, and the goal is to get a little bit of that neurotransmitter out of the system.

Image source:

#neurotransmitters #glutamate #gaba #serotonin #dopamine #acetylcholine #glycine #norepinephrine #epinephrine #histamine #atp #neurotransmitter #parkinsonsdisease #Sinemet #Parcopa

Last updated 5 years ago