I learned the hard way that U.S. airlines are not currently required to have EpiPens
"Anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction, is a life-threatening medical emergency and has to be treated with epinephrine as soon as possible. The glass vial of epinephrine planes carry is hard to use, and administering it safely involves multiple time-consuming steps that require medical knowledge."
#Anaphylaxis #allergies #epinephrine #EpiPens
#anaphylaxis #allergies #epinephrine #epipens
#5yrsago The #ACLU showed that Amazon’s #FacialRecognition system thinks members of Congress are felons, so now Congress is taking action https://www.aclunc.org/blog/amazon-s-face-recognition-falsely-matched-28-members-congress-mugshots
#5yrsago #FourThievesVinegarCollective: DIY #epipens were just the start, now it’s home bioreactors to thwart #BigPharma’s price-gouging https://www.vice.com/en/article/43pngb/how-to-make-your-own-medicine-four-thieves-vinegar-collective
#5yrsago Android’s keyboard will no longer autocomplete “sit” with “on my face” thanks to me https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/nicolenguyen/sit-on-my-face-android-autocomplete
#5yrsago #aclu #facialrecognition #FourThievesVinegarCollective #epipens #bigpharma
"We often tell our $kids to shoot for the stars. #Students at a Canadian elementary school did just that. They teamed up with $NASA to see if a lifesaving #drug would work in space. Their #experiment was sent up in a #rocket, and they made a big #discovery. #EpiPens used to deliver #emergency treatment for severe allergic reactions may not work in #space. So how did they figure it out? First, like all good #scientists, they started with a #question." #education #science https://www.npr.org/2023/03/12/1162957430/nasa-teams-with-an-elementary-school-project-to-test-epipens-in-space
#science #education #question #scientists #space #emergency #epipens #discovery #rocket #experiment #drug #students
Families face price shocks for lifesaving children’s medication