It was wonderful to celebrate #Epiphany2023 in the Aachener Dom 🌟 many thanks to the congregation and the Aachener Domchor and all musicians for singing together. ❤
#epiphany2023 #chorister #aachen #germany
01/06/2023 04:41pm
#epiphany2023 #mypersonalstonehenge
I don't do Christmas cards (sorry if you have expected one). I send my greetings in the new year on epiphany day, the 6th of January and the last day of Christmas. I have been doing this for 12 years, and it always conveys many reactions and conversation starters with friends.
This year's epiphany story is about listening from different perspectives, plus a sound ritual and three book tips.
You can read it on: the music thinking website!
#epiphany2023 #epiphany #musicthinking