Just listened to the series premiere of "That's Just Weird with Aaron Mahnke" ... Stories were a little on the bland side, but them's the risks with a weekly news-collating podcast, sometimes the news of the week ain't all that interesting (the "throwback" story about the Mona Lisa was pretty cool though) #Episode1
Ich bin der Meinung, dass „Star Wars Episode I: Racer“ das einzige legitime Rennspiel da Frau draußen ist. Setting, Geräuschkulisse und Spielmechanik.
#starwars #podracer #episode1 #Rennspiel
🔸🎬 – Épisode 1 – Préparation avant le départ pour Valence !
via. @le_vlog_officiel
:peertube: https://peertube.stream/w/2xKT3vFuu67vhWNL2Taswv
:youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvlqvLw3RJE
#Vlog #AMFiS #AMFiS2023 #Voyage #LFi #Matériel #Épisode1
#vlog #amfis #amfis2023 #voyage #lfi #materiel #episode1 #rt #retoot
https://www.lovenhl.com/909436/ Bernie Goes Bouncing!!! | Bernie’s Summer of Fun #Avalanche #Avs #Bernie #BernieGoesBouncing #BernieGoesBouncing!!!|Bernie'sSummerOfFun #BernieGoesToBounceEmpire #Bernie'sSummerOfFun #Bernies #bounce #BounceEmpire #BounceHouse #bouncing #CentralDivision #Colorado #ColoradoAvalanche #Denver #empire #Ep1 #Episode1 #fun #GoesBouncing #hockey #mascot #NationalHockeyLeague #NHL #of #summer #SummerOfFun #ThingsToDoInColorado #WesternConference
#avalanche #avs #bernie #berniegoesbouncing #berniegoestobounceempire #bernies #bounce #bounceempire #bouncehouse #bouncing #centraldivision #colorado #coloradoavalanche #denver #empire #ep1 #episode1 #fun #goesbouncing #hockey #mascot #nationalhockeyleague #nhl #of #summer #summeroffun #thingstodoincolorado #westernconference
税務広報&租税教育番組 「税」って何だっけ? Episode1 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1791689/ske48/
#episode1 #SKE48 #SKE48TeamE #Vlog #税って何だっけ #税務広報租税教育番組 #谷真理佳
#episode1 #ske48 #SKE48TeamE #vlog #税って何だっけ #税務広報租税教育番組 #谷真理佳
~第一幕~ 旅立ち (Act 1: The Departure) https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1776661/voice-actor/
#ACT #Departure #Episode1:LongCherishedDreamoftheEmpireofVerter(ヴェルテルの宿願)~第一幕~旅立ち(Act1:TheDeparture) #MorriganMotomuKiyokawaCaldes #Vlog #voiceactor #声優 #清川元夢 #男性声優 #第一幕旅立ち
#act #departure #episode1 #morriganmotomukiyokawacaldes #vlog #voiceactor #声優 #清川元夢 #男性声優 #第一幕旅立ち
税務広報&租税教育番組 「税」って何だっけ? Episode1 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1773495/ske48/
#episode1 #SKE48 #SKE48TeamE #Vlog #税って何だっけ #税務広報租税教育番組 #谷真理佳
#episode1 #ske48 #SKE48TeamE #vlog #税って何だっけ #税務広報租税教育番組 #谷真理佳
Watching #StarWars #Visions #Volume2 on #DisneyPlus.
#Episode1 “Sith” - Excellent 👍
#Episode2 “Screechers Reach” - Holy Sh*t! 😲
I do love #animation 😎
#starwars #visions #volume2 #disneyplus #episode1 #episode2 #animation #starwarsday
My first podcast about cryptocurrency will be live on spotify at 18:00:00 IST. Do checkout...
#cryptoomunk #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomalayalam #malayalam #kerala #podcast #spotify #bitcoin #audiobook #season1 #episode1 #firstepisode #podcasters
#cryptoomunk #crypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomalayalam #malayalam #kerala #podcast #spotify #bitcoin #audiobook #season1 #episode1 #firstepisode #podcasters
Listening to the very first #Episode of #ThunderCast with @killyourfm
#episode #thundercast #episode1 #originstory
【彼と彼女と10億男】 episode1 「10億の男」篇 (ロト) 30秒 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1687172/voice-actress/
#10億の男篇 #30秒 #episode1 #Vlog #voiceactress #ロト #上白石萌音 #声優 #女性声優 #彼と彼女と10億男
#10億の男篇 #30秒 #episode1 #vlog #voiceactress #ロト #上白石萌音 #声優 #女性声優 #彼と彼女と10億男
Also today finished watching #episode1 #JinnysKitchen #taehyung slightly odd! And back to those Instagram photos....
#episode1 #jinnyskitchen #taehyung
Just watched #episode1 of #season3 #Picard. Loved all of the #homage bits to #StarTrekTNG. Look forward to the next episode!
#episode1 #season3 #picard #homage #startrektng
All of a sudden I'm back in 1987 in the dorm common room in #UHManoa watching #encounteratfarpoint #startreknextgeneration #startrektng #startrekpicard #season3 #episode1
#uhmanoa #encounteratfarpoint #startreknextgeneration #startrektng #startrekpicard #season3 #episode1
#StarTrekPicard #Season3 #Episode1
What absolutely gorgeous show this is 👌
#startrekpicard #season3 #episode1
RT @CollNourrir
🎧 Podcast @boell_fr_it : No Woman, no food❗️
Retrouvez les témoignages de7️⃣ femmes du monde qui font du rapport à la terre et à l'alimentation un acte politique.
#Episode1 : Sylvie élève des huîtres naturelles à contre-courant des huîtres triploïdes conçues en laboratoire👇 https://twitter.com/boell_fr_it/status/1618250693093249024
Watched the first episode of the show today. Good so far. Pretty faithful to the source material.
Pedro Pascal does a great job as Joel and Bella Ramsey surprised me as Ellie. I haven't watched Game of Thrones, so I wasn't sure what to make of her casting, but she's killing it.
Curious how the show is going to break up the season going forward. Even though I played it somewhat recently, I only remember the highlights. Regardless, consider me interested.
#thelastofus #episode1 #thoughts
Une webserie proposée par @Inria Désassemblons le numérique - #Épisode1 au coeur des données #recherche #dataviz https://www.inria.fr/fr/desassemblons-numerique-episode-1