Three essentials for trusting more wisely, paraphrased from Ballantyne and Dunning -
1. Ask what fields of knowledge are strictly relevant for determining the message’s accuracy.
2. Focus on specific credentials. Do not be impressed by impressive street (but not relevant) creds.
3. Ask whether multiple and independent sources concur.
Reading this now as I’m revising my essay on Filipino physicians on social media and the infodemic. #EpistemicTrespassing
Wenn Titel mehr zählen als Fakten, bist Du in Österreich. #FalseBalance #PLURV #desinformation #EpistemicTrespassing #Interessenskonflikte #Medienkompetenz #covid19at
#covid19at #medienkompetenz #Interessenskonflikte #epistemictrespassing #desinformation #PLURV #falsebalance