Catching up on some gems I should've read years ago. Very satisfying!
It's Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower (1999) at the mo.
Not much for #YA so not surprised to have missed this one. So far, so good. Very good.
#charlie #epistolary #bookstodon #Books #ya
Meeting a writing challenge to write a story comprised of letters, an #epistolary
#writing #writingchallenge #WritingCommunity #fiction #fictionwriter #family #drama #historicalfiction #coldwar
#epistolary #writing #writingchallenge #writingcommunity #fiction #fictionwriter #family #drama #historicalfiction #coldwar
Do you like werewolves?
1-2 player epistolary, and journaling games that use tarot cards?
The pre-launch page is now live for The Almanac of Sanguine Paths:
(And prepare for bits and pieces of me talking more about this!)
#ttrpg #werewolf #epistolary #journaling #kickstarter
The final letters between two remarkable people at one of the worst times in history--Helmuth James von Moltke and his wife Freya were both part of one of the leading internal resistance groups to the Nazi regime. He was arrested in early 1944 and moved to Tegel Prison in Berlin in September 1945 to face trial; this collection contains the letters exchanged between husband and wife during that time.
#bookreview #epistolary #bookblog
Medium, and now Mastodon gives writers such a great platform. I wrote this little epistolary in honor of that.
#medium #poetry #poetrymonth #epistolary #napowrimo
Just took a nap and dreamed that Cangse Sanren, while pregnant with Wei Ying and travelling around with Wei Changze, bumped into Madam Lan and Qingheng-jun, who were on the run after Madam Lan had killed the Lan elder. They hit it off, but in the end, when the Lan caught up with them, Madam Lan decided to go back and submit to punishment. :( Cangse Sanren was very upset.
The whole thing was narrated in a letter to her unborn son, so it was also #epistolary / #artifactFiction. #MDZS #dreamlog
#epistolary #artifactfiction #mdzs #dreamlog
How to Face the Ugly Truth
Your Ugly Truth is Beautiful
#poetry #poetrymonth #epistolary
It’s time to face the ugly truth:
You douse me and strike
a match. I free fall
like a bird with its
wings on fire. I remember you
#poetry #nationalpoetrymonth #epistolary
Vita & Virginia Bot |
• Description: Excerpts from the letters of [literary figures] Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf.
• Created: 2022-11-02
#Bot #Bots #Literature #Letters #Epistolary #VirginiaWoolf #VitaSackvilleWest #Bloomsbury
#bot #bots #literature #letters #epistolary #virginiawoolf #vitasackvillewest #Bloomsbury
This is #DeadLetterSociety nearing completion. Just a few more things to do and then I'll send the digital pdf's out into the world next week. (Eta for backers: Thurs/Fri, others: Friday onwards)
It has been *so much work*, but the end is in sight.
Except I then need to go back to telling people what it is. 😅
#deadlettersociety #ttrpg #epistolary #journaling #soloRPG #vampire #vamily
Okeedokee, the pre-order link is up. The book won't be out till June 1st, so more online links will go live the closer we get to the release day. That'll include the link to the print book as well.
Preliminary revisions and edits are done, and it's now just final clean-up sweeps left to do with the manuscript. And that's one massive weight off my shoulders, at last.
#Epistolary #HistoricalFiction #HistoricalFantasy #GayFiction #LGBTQ #Novella #GhostStory #Humor #SelfPublishing #IndiePublishing #IndieWriters
#epistolary #historicalfiction #historicalfantasy #gayfiction #lgbtq #novella #ghoststory #humor #selfpublishing #indiepublishing #indiewriters
Looking for a gorgeously-written short novel that dares you to decide which subgenre of speculative fiction it is? I was reminded today of just how much I loved This Is How You Lose the Time War.
My review:
#ScienceFiction #SpecutlativeFiction #epistolary #novella #sapphic #lgbtqia #multiverse #AmalElMohtar #MaxGladstone
#sciencefiction #specutlativefiction #epistolary #novella #sapphic #lgbtqia #multiverse #AmalElMohtar #maxgladstone
First time using ChatGPT for the first time. For ideas for a form letter. Might use some parts.
Just thought that was worth noting.
#epistolary #author #amwriting #ai #chatgpt
(of a literary work) in the form of letters.
This is an older one, but I recently updated it. I wanted to try an epistolary, but through phone-based SMS, with all the features and foibles that entails.
Address Unknown by Kathrine Kressmann Taylor.
Epistolary novella about two art dealers and the rise of Nazism in Germany. Reads as fresh and unexpected even today (despite the very familiar subject matter). A surprise!
#reviews #BogiReads #ShabbosReads #Mazeldon #Jewish #Novellas #Historical #Nazism #Germany #Epistolary #Bookstodon
#reviews #BogiReads #shabbosreads #Mazeldon #jewish #novellas #historical #nazism #germany #epistolary #bookstodon
"I am reduced to a thing that wants Virginia."
-Vita Sackville-West
letter to Virginia Woolf
Milan [posted in Trieste], Thursday, 21 Jan 1926
#everynightapoem #ofsorts #epistolary #VitaSackvilleWest #VirginiaWoolf
#everynightapoem #ofsorts #epistolary #VitaSackvilleWest #VirginiaWoolf
Continuing to make promo posts for my older fic here
By #forestofglory
Epistolary, Post-canon SHL, 1688 words
🖌️Plucky girl detective!Zhen Nianxiang
🖌️Shen Shen's avuncular powers
🖌️Tai-shifu!Zhou Zishu
#forestofglory #shl #wordofhonor #genfic #epistolary
And we're live! 🧛♀️ 📝 🚀
Support #DeadLetterSociety today, and help bring this 1-2 player epistolary and (simultaneous) journaling game to print!
Please spread the word–I really want to see this happen!
(Previews, reviews, and how-to-play videos are all there too)
#TTRPG #ZineMonth #Zine #Vampire #Crowdfunding #Journaling #Solo #epistolary
#deadlettersociety #ttrpg #zinemonth #zine #vampire #crowdfunding #journaling #solo #epistolary
The free preview of Dead Letter Society is now available on
It's a 1-2 player epistolary and journaling game about vampires pursuing their ambitions via a secret society.
I've had some wonderful reviews, if you're wondering if this game might be for you:
Every like & boost is appreciated - I'm crowdfunding from Feb 7th to try and make a print run happen. 🤞
#ttrpg #deadlettersociety #journaling #epistolary
Originally about a Rossetti poem, this painting is SO PERFECT illustrating a Dracula cover. This is the edition I grew up with in my household, it’s been in my family as long as I’ve been alive.
#gothic #horror #dracula #epistolary #novel