Alleluia. Another in a series of mock #epitaphs #graveyardhumour
+ Raised to the memory of Sister Theresa;
Her pupils tried hard but they never could please her.
Her bark froze their blood but what really was crueller
Was when she took out her feared long wooden ruler. 1/
Taphotopia unearths great stories — one #cemetery, one #grave, at a time. By partnering with previously living persons, Taphotopia features & #celebrates those remarkable individuals from history who have inspired (and continue to #inspire) #curiosity, #creativity, and #joy.
We love #gravestones, #epitaphs, #history, #inventors, #artists, #authors, #writers
What's up with our name? We invented it. It’s a portmanteau. We combined #Taphophile + #Utopia
#introduction #cemetery #grave #celebrates #inspire #curiosity #creativity #joy #gravestones #epitaphs #history #inventors #artists #authors #writers #taphophile #utopia
I find this site so interesting:
~2000 years old #roman #epitaphs
"Stranger, my message is short. Stand by and read it through. Here is the unlovely tomb of a lovely woman. Her parents called her Claudia by name. She loved her husband with her whole heart. She bore two sons; of these she leaves one on earth; under the earth has she placed the other. She was charming in converse, yet proper in bearing. She kept house, she made wool. That's my last word. Go your way"
Merely wishing to read the #gravestone #epitaphs, I sought a breach in the #Austin State Hospital #cemetery fence to #trespass. Finding none, I was #marginalized like those buried here. I share two lovely #remembrances of one perhaps lost to #psychiatric illness that are pinned to the fence. A grocery cart filled with #disorganized and random objects is perhaps an apt #metaphor for #mental #illness and #homelessness #policy in the USA. Isn’t #freedom great? #ATX
#gravestone #epitaphs #austin #cemetery #trespass #marginalized #remembrances #psychiatric #disorganized #metaphor #mental #illness #homelessness #policy #freedom #atx