Well-funded Christian group behind US effort to roll back LGBTQ+ rights - Many Christians do NOT support democracy & want their brutal Sky Daddy to rule America - the founders were unique in rejecting religion in govt. & ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! #EPluribusUnum
#IllegitimateSCOTUS is no longer protecting Trump. Fed Society, RNC, corporate donors, esp. Harlan Crow, don't give a shit what happens to him now. They got what they needed: #IllegitimateSCOTUS. Thanks, #MoscowMitch & #OrangeKaren!
#ExpandSCOTUS #EPluribusUnum to restore democracy!
#illegitimatescotus #moscowmitch #orangekaren #expandscotus #epluribusunum
#EPluribusUnum to restore democracy!
#ExpandTheCourt #expandscotus #illegitimatescotus #epluribusunum
#Fascism & #Communism may be the opposite poles of the political spectrum, but they do have something in common: the state always dominates the will of the people.
#EPluribusUnum to restore American democracy!
#fascism #communism #epluribusunum
House @GOP DEMANDS Senate, President & #WeThePeople accept their ransom & childishly petty demands in their manufactured #DebtCeilingCrisis.. or they'll wreck the economy!
#BanGOP from holding ANY future office!
#EndGOPNow or they'll end us!
#EPluribusUnum & restore democracy!
#wethepeople #debtceilingcrisis #bangop #endgopnow #epluribusunum
Lawmakers in #Louisiana are taking a page out of the Christian nationalist playbook. The House has approved House Bill 8, which would require all public K-12 school classrooms in the state to display “In God We Trust” and now it’s headed to a Senate. Learn more about this divisive bill and contact your representatives here:
#ReligiousLiberty #ChristianNationalism #USPolitics #EPluribusUnum
#Louisiana #religiousliberty #christiannationalism #uspolitics #epluribusunum
Before Nixon turned healthcare from non-profit to profit, doctors got into the profession genuinely to help people. But, now, it's likely because of greed.
Profit-motives are NOT helpful in governing for #WeThePeople
#EPluribusUnum to restore democracy!
#wethepeople #capitalism #epluribusunum
Religion is @GOP's key to your brain - to distort truth. Lying #Fascist right-wing propagandists like FOX, OAN, & NEWSMAX mass-produce those keys.
#EPluribusUnum to restore democracy!
Yes! This is good news! Meanwhile... #Fascist states like Florida, Texas, & now Georgia may be falling to the new Confederacy, supported by #MoscowMitch & FedSoc's #IllegitimateSCOTUS!
We are in grave danger! #EPluribusUnum & #ExpandTheCourt to restore democracy
#fascist #moscowmitch #illegitimatescotus #epluribusunum #ExpandTheCourt
The BEST way to destroy @GOP #MAGA #KKK is to destroy the "Christianity" they rode in on... it's their ONLY real power over their moron minions!
#AntiChrist #FatJesus #ChosenOne
#EPluribusUnum to restore democracy!
#maga #kkk #antichrist #fatjesus #chosenone #epluribusunum
America has been faced with an evil #Fascist conservative #insurrection like the @GOP's before... Pres. Lincoln #ExpandTheCourt & restored sanity to govt. #EPluribusUnum to refresh democracy!
#fascist #insurrection #ExpandTheCourt #epluribusunum
What the @GOP wants is for America to fail. Hundreds of thousands - perhaps millions - of people will die, certainly, but then, they can pick up the pieces & put the nation back together the way THEY like it.. with THEM in charge. #EPluribusUnum to restore America! #VoteBlue
#IllegitimateSCOTUS was the Frankenstein monster of #MoscowMitch McConnell & Leonard Leo & his antidemocratic @FedSoc! #JudiciaryActNow #ExpandSCOTUS #TermLimits #EPluribusUnum to restore Constitutionality!
#illegitimatescotus #moscowmitch #judiciaryactnow #expandscotus #termlimits #epluribusunum
As an American, I know that I'll NEVER follow #fascists, esp. @GOP! My father was #ANTIFA in WWII & killed #Nazis! Bring on your #CivilWar cuz I want to follow in my Dad's footsteps! #ExpandSCOTUS #TermLimits #EPluribusUnum to restore Constitutionality!
#fascists #antifa #nazis #civilwar #expandscotus #termlimits #epluribusunum
As an American, I know that I'll..
1. read ANY book I like
2. say anything I wish
3. worship or NOT if I want
4. protect my family from gun nuts
5. etc
And, no one will make me do otherwise, esp. YOU, @GOP! I spit in your face! #ExpandSCOTUS #TermLimits #EPluribusUnum to restore Constitutionality!
#expandscotus #termlimits #epluribusunum
Most "Christians" like the power - the control - of being able to dictate to you with presumed authority of their "Sky Daddy" - it's always been #fascist!
Democracy & "Sky Daddy" CANNOT exist together!
#EPluribusUnum to restore America to constitutionality! #BlueWave2024
#fascist #epluribusunum #bluewave2024
2024 & @GOP:
When you're wrong, you know it, & the villagers are outside with torches & pitchforks...
#BlueWave2024 #ExpandSCOTUS #IllegitimateSCOTUS #TermLimits #EPluribusUnum to restore America!
#bluewave2024 #expandscotus #illegitimatescotus #termlimits #epluribusunum
Liberals wholly express themselves in Christian-like behavior, yet are reviled by most American Christians. #Atheism is moral. #EPluribusUnum to restore America!
I'm still amazed at how many Americans HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA how America was founded! The US Constitution was a secular document that protected everyone's right to worship as they pleased. The 1956 BS of "In God We Trust" is Constitutionally blasphemous! #EPluribusUnum #Atheism