The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
386 followers · 1115 posts · Server

Now that the TopSpeed TechKit with its is out in the world, I'm considering porting the and code in one or two of the open source apps over to TSASM.

Hardly an urgent project, but it would mean that the apps could be built with one ecosystem with a single project file.

Of course, the code would still be restricted to the world, but it's no worse off than we already are in land.

#retrocomputing #retrodev #dosbox #psion #16bit #compiler #epoc16 #masm #tasm #assembler

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
384 followers · 1098 posts · Server

Reading through the first manual in the SDK has reminded me what the "pure small memory model" is.

The ES register is never corrupted (DS=ES=SS).

C implemented this, which was one of the main reasons why used it for the SDK.

I've heard that it's possible to implement this with C (and maybe ?), but I don't know how.

#x86 #epoc16 #retrocomputing #16bit #watcom #borland #psion #topspeed

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
383 followers · 1094 posts · Server

Reading through the first manual in the SDK has reminded me what the "pure small memory model" is.

The ES register is never corrupted.

C implemented this, which was one of the main reasons why used it for the SDK.

I've heard that it's possible to implement this with C (and maybe ?), but I don't know how.

#epoc16 #retrocomputing #16bit #watcom #borland #psion #topspeed

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
382 followers · 1062 posts · Server

I've never had a proper look at this folder before. It's like some sort of parallel version of the SDK's include folder.

Some things seem newer, some older. Version numbers and file authors don't tie up. Some parts are broken up into separate files.

The folder conforms better to C standards. It includes a file called p_msdos.h, like you could use PLIB on something that isn't .

Is this the missing link to the long lost v1.00 of the SDK, designed for the MC range?

#retrocomputing #epoc16 #psion

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
382 followers · 1055 posts · Server

I'll also be making a "2.21" with a few fixes, such as checking for includes properly.

I'm going to boldly say that my 2.21 version is the one you should use, but of course I'll distribute the older versions. I've definitely had projects that will compile with 2.00 but not with 2.20. I think these projects are more likely to compile with 2.21.

#retrocomputing #retrodev #psion3 #epoc16 #psion

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
377 followers · 1008 posts · Server


I'm going to make a video about how to install the SIBO C SDK in , so that people can compile apps for computers (Series 3/3a/3c/3mx, Siena, Workabout, MC range).

If you are one of the tiny number of people who might be interested in using this, which modern OS do you use?

I want to know so that I can tailor the tutorial.

#retrocomputing #epoc16 #dosbox #psion

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
377 followers · 1007 posts · Server

As much as I'd like to base a SIBO C SDK tutorial around Linux, I think there are going to be more people out there running Windows or macOS.

Maybe I should do a poll. The Fediverse is representative of the sort of folk who would want to make new software, right?



#retrocomputing #epoc16 #psion

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
364 followers · 903 posts · Server

Stumbled across this.

12 years ago, someone wanted to build a "new" Series 3a with an FPGA.

They were talking to about getting hold of the source code for . Psion seemed willing to help, but concerned about "other intellectual property rights."

Good to see willingness, but my heart sank a little.

But... Looks like they were happy for the SDK to be freely available, so I'll look into that.

Also, I wonder if "Michael E" is still around?

#retrocomputing #epoc16 #psion

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
344 followers · 874 posts · Server
The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
272 followers · 649 posts · Server

will actually run in , the for (it has full emulation). But you really need a 3mx for ZXemul to run at full speed, and it will guzzle battery.

Still, here it is running in , for anyone who wants to see emulator-ception.

#textadventure #graphicadventurecreator #retrogaming #retrocomputing #mame #Speccy #z80 #epoc16 #psion #emulator #zxspectrum #zxemul #gac

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
268 followers · 645 posts · Server

Anyone remember the Graphic Adventure Creator?

Originally made for the , my experience of it was from a covertape.

Anyway, it's been on my list to attempt porting it to for ages. It's not top priority, but the machine is perfectly designed for playing games (see @root42's escapades with ).

Be great if it could decompile and play old games, too.

#adventure #psion3 #retrocomputing #infocom #textadventure #epoc16 #psion #yoursinclair #cpc #amstrad

Last updated 1 year ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
185 followers · 394 posts · Server

The thing is, my "copy" of the SDK is a mish-mash. The software and source code is v2.20. But the documentation is mostly v2.30 with smatterings of v2.10 and v2.01.

This is the first time I've found a major difference between versions.

Also, there is a chance that, somewhere out there, there is a software update to v2.30 that lines up with the docs.

There's also a chance that there was an update to the SDK that includes the 3mx, but I've never seen it.

#epoc16 #psion

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
185 followers · 387 posts · Server

Some of the old C code I'm trying to compile mentions the file `s_.h`. It's not in the SDK, although it is mentioned in the SDK.

It's something to do with resource files.

Can't find it bloody anywhere!

#retrodev #retrocomputing #epoc16 #psion

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
184 followers · 375 posts · Server

Thanks to the excellent search skills of @galaxis, I now have Elvis 1.8p4 without the patch. Comparing the two, the changes are:

1. EPOC16 specifics and workarounds, as expected. (` EPOC`, etc.)
2. All the man pages have been removed.
3. A new "libc" folder filled with wrappers for Psion's plib.
4. Most strings have been replaced with references to a resource file. Why? The EPOC16 version could be regionalised!
5. Edited files have been changed from UNIX to DOS linebreaks.

#ifndef #epoc16

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
184 followers · 371 posts · Server

The people have spoken! The Elvis code will be uploaded as-is, possibly broken but ready to be given some TLC!

So, next question (and I think I already know the answer).

Would it be worthwhile finding the original unmodified Elvis code, uploading that to GitHub, then branching it and copying the EPOC16 modifications over the top?

That way we can get an idea of the changes needed to make a *NIX app run on EPOC16.

#psion #vim #vi #retrodev #retrocomputing #epoc16

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
184 followers · 367 posts · Server

I have (I think) the source for the last version of Elvis (a clone) for . I can't currently get it to compile with the SDK, even with modifications to the TopSpeed project file (like a makefile).

Should I upload it to GitHub as-is, seemingly unusable but could be worked on? Or should I only release a compilable version once I've got it working?

#vim #retrodev #retrocomputing #psion #epoc16 #vi

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
175 followers · 318 posts · Server

Started to build up a framework of files to supplement the SIBO C SDK for modern compilation.

First one... A half-decent gitignore file.

It would be half the length if DOSBox Staging generated lower-case files by default.

#git #edisasm #epoc16 #retrodev #retrocomputing #psion

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
175 followers · 317 posts · Server

Some more C code rescued!

Nfsc is a VT100 terminal emulator for . The source code was tucked away in my archive. It's GPLv2, so I thought I'd make sure it was out there for the world to see.

#16bit #retrodev #retrocomputing #epoc16 #psion

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
174 followers · 306 posts · Server

Trying to give a proper help menu, which requires compiling a resource (.RSC) file.

After much faffing, I've got compiled a basic .RSC file, and added its .RSG (header) file to the project. All compiled OK. Copied the app and .RSC to the DOS emulator and...


I'm currently trawling through old code and the SDK docs.

#psion #retrodev #retrocomputing #epoc16 #edisasm

Last updated 2 years ago

The Last Psion | Alex · @thelastpsion
175 followers · 297 posts · Server

Today, I'm getting distracted, trying to compile Elvis (an old spin-off) for .

Bearing in mind I'm running the original toolchain that this was developed with, this should Just Work™️. However... ERROR.

There are no instructions for compilation, so I don't know if there's a special order I need to do things in.

#vim #topspeedc #retrodev #retrocomputing #epoc16 #psion #vi

Last updated 2 years ago