RT @RicardoNature
In our comment https://www.nature.com/articles/s41559-023-02022-y we argue that #eponyms – scientific names based on real or fictional characters (see the description for Otus hartlaubi below) – are deeply problematic in today’s society and provide practical suggestions on how to deal with this problem.
An issue long overdue. Far too many eponyms, like most toponyms, are the hangover of white male colonialism. Many such toponyms have reverted to historical, often locally used or descriptive names. Will scientific eponyms follow suit? Or begin anew? #NamingStandards #eponyms #toponyms #speciesnames
#speciesnames #toponyms #eponyms #namingstandards
It's been referred to as the cerebral arterial circle, circle of Willis, circulus arteriosus cerebri, Willis' circle, loop of Willis, Willis polygon, & circulus arteriosus. Your preference? Mine’s cerebral arterial circle. #eponyms #CircleOfWillis #CerebralArterialCircle
#eponyms #circleofwillis #cerebralarterialcircle
Doing #introduction again because people said I should use more tags :
I have migrated from the bird app, looking to be a part of a community that advocates for science, knowledge, compassion, and basic human decency.
I'm a #doctor from India, aspiring to be an academic #neurosurgeon. I love #histmed #eponyms, and #etymology. I am an avid reader and writer!
I love everything #Brain. 🧠
The ultimate goal is to live at the intersection of science and art and everything of beauty!
#introduction #doctor #neurosurgeon #histmed #eponyms #etymology #brain