@theeyewallwx @mattlanza Great graphic here about possible paths of #hurricane #lee -- Lee Multi-model Ensemble (#EPS+#UKMET+#GEFS+#CMC) -- haven't seen this before, but very useful!
#hurricane #lee #eps #ukmet #gefs #cmc
[ 💗 Coups de coeur ]
Des ressources pour des APQ sans prise de tête (peu de matériel et possibles en classe).
Helping friends and family with IT problems is a great way to learn obscure computer things that you would never see otherwise.
#REVTeX is an incredibly niche #programming language that physicists worldwide need to learn if they are to get published in some critical US journals.
I first wrote this in early 2020, but with our ongoing abandonment during this pandemic, I continue to receive help requests from scientists who are understandably avoiding indoor congregations of unmasked people. This means the page gets regularly updated with new tricks and fixes to the instructions.
For example, you now have instructions on how to work with #EPS files on Windows and so manage and insert your figures and diagrams into your papers. Enjoy! :)
#revtex #programming #eps #publishing #physics #Science #latex #texlatex
2024年5月28日-31日に、 #IEEE Electronics Packaging Society #EPS が、2024 IEEE 74th Electronic Components and Technology Conference #ECTC を開催。米国コロラド州デンバーにて。8月14日にアブストラクト提出受付を開始。詳細は https://www.ectc.net/ に。
9月22日(金)16:00-18:30に、 #IEEE #EPS Japan Chapter が第59回イブニングミーティング『次世代の大容量光トランシーバ技術』を開催。講演3件。東京都千代田区・古河電気工業㈱およびオンラインにて。詳細は https://www.ieee-jp.org/section/tokyo/chapter/CPMT-21/2023/20230922/index.html に。
#EveningMeeting #OpticalTransceiver
#ieee #eps #eveningmeeting #opticaltransceiver
#2023inheavymetalmusic #Compilations #EPs #HardRock #HeavyMetal #LiveAlbums #MarsAttacksPodcast #MarsAttacksRadio #Metal #Music #NewAlbums #NewReleases #Patreon #PatronsPick #Reissues #Rock #SignalsFromMars
#signalsfrommars #rock #reissues #patronspick #patreon #newReleases #newalbums #music #metal #marsattacksradio #marsattackspodcast #livealbums #heavymetal #hardrock #eps #compilations #2023inheavymetalmusic
SVGmix is a massive collection of free SVG icons and brand logos
#SVG #icons #logos #brands #Sketch #Figma #logo #vector #download #Illustrator #Indesign #Photoshop #EPS #PDF #CDR
#svg #icons #logos #brands #sketch #figma #logo #vector #download #illustrator #indesign #photoshop #eps #pdf #cdr
Es wurde viel von Adobe Photoshop geschrieben. #GIMP tut's auch 💪
Die letzten wichtigen Bildformate - onlinepc.ch https://www.onlinepc.ch/software/praxis/letzten-wichtigen-bildformate-2869250.html #png #gif #jpg #heif #webp #svg #eps #pdf #tiff #jpeg
#gimp #png #gif #jpg #heif #webp #svg #eps #pdf #tiff #jpeg
[#EPS] Du 1er au 6 juillet : retour en images sur le stage sportif à Font-Romeu 2023, avec les élèves de 2de option EPS. En savoir plus sur le site #Bascan |→ https://lyc-bascan.fr/stage-a-font-romeu-2023-avec-les-eleves-de-2de-option-eps/
Of course, #EdmontonPoliceService welcomes anti-vaxx domestic terrorists back into their fold.
#EPS is complicit with the alt-right movement.
Domestic terrorist, Elena Golysheva. supported people who are now facing trial for conspiring to murder RCMP officers.
#Alberta #Edmonton #ableg #abpoli #EPSLiars #EPSDomesticTerrorists #15MinuteCitiesComingForYOU
#edmontonpoliceservice #eps #alberta #edmonton #ableg #abpoli #epsliars #epsdomesticterrorists #15minutecitiescomingforyou
Deadline for Higher #EPS pension on June 26. Here's how to calculate the amount
https://www.hindustantimes.com/business/higher-pension-scheme-under-employees-pension-scheme-how-to-apply-pension-calculation-101686839395214.html #press
More failures from chief #DaleMcFee of #edmontonpoliceservice
This is a force that is out of control. They release known violent criminals into our city then use the murders they caused as fodder for begging for more money.
#EPS is rotten, from McFee down.
#dalemcfee #edmontonpoliceservice #eps #alberta #edmonton #epsliars #defundyegcops
Gefürchtete Brennhaare: Saison des Eichenprozessionsspinners beginnt Die Stadt #Dortmund bittet um die Meldung von Nestern. #EPS #Eichenprozessionsspinner
#dortmund #eps #eichenprozessionsspinner
#Edmontons worst lying again.
#edmontons #eps #edmontonpoliceservice #abpoli #ableg #yeg