Heute vor 30 Jahren starb Edward Palmer (E.P.) Thompson, britischer Sozialhistoriker, Sozialist, Wegbereiter der #GeschichteVonUnten, streitbarer Autor, Mitgründer mehrerer Zeitschriften (u.a. Past & Present), Antiatomwaffenaktivist ... ein kurzer Nachruf von Logie Barrow erschien seinerzeit in der #WerkstattGeschichte 6/1993, https://werkstattgeschichte.de/alle_ausgaben/maennerleben-lebemaenner
#EPThompson #HistoryFromBelow #MoralEconomy #LaborHistory #Alltagsgeschichte #Sozialgeschichte #SocialHistory #RadicalHistory
#geschichtevonunten #werkstattgeschichte #epthompson #historyfrombelow #moraleconomy #laborhistory #Alltagsgeschichte #sozialgeschichte #socialhistory #radicalhistory
@ebrandom My #EPThompson books are in a box so I can't recommend others right now. You have reminded me about these essays though, which are generative. My friend David did evening classes with him in Leeds on the Romantics -- for the WEA I think, he said they were amazing.
#RearWindow A Life of #Dissent The Life and Work of #EPThompson
#rearwindow #dissent #epthompson
#ABriefHistoryofthePolice 🐷
#NovaraMediaNews June 2020
Now, i scrolled down and there in the comments, is @chrishadley1755 on Youtube
(or Invidious, Newpipe,Piped.video, Libretube)
He points out #EPThompson, #TheMakingOfTheEnglishWorkingClass (Chapter 3). #PatrickColquhoun and the ThamesRiverPolice founded in 1798 as the true origin of oinkers.
Any #historians out there to comment on the origins of the pigs here in #Britain?
#abriefhistoryofthepolice #acab #NovaraMediaNews #epthompson #themakingoftheenglishworkingclass #patrickcolquhoun #historians #britain
@RadicalAnthro The Crary book is good. Your essay on #Time (which feels like the start of something bigger) continues to spark thoughts. I have never read the #EPThompson essay. Then the lunar dimensions . . . there's an extensive reading of Arrow of God (story turns on sighting of new moon) by #Achebe in #NorbertElias's Time: An Essay -- a book I remember as brilliant though haven't returned to it since 90s when I 'worked' on time a bit and was aware that the anthropological approach was needed
#time #epthompson #achebe #norbertelias
"It is commonplace that the years between 1300 and 1650 saw within the intellectual culture of Western Europe important changes in the apprehension of time...Lewis Mumford makes suggestive claims in Technics and Civilization (1934), esp. pp. 12-18, "
The #ActivityRhythm of #NicolasCarr #BullshitJobs of #DavidGraeber and #WorkDiscipline of #EPThompson all take one to Lewis Mumford and the #clock I first read of in a #NeilPostman book.
#neilpostman #clock #epthompson #WorkDiscipline #davidgraeber #bullshitjobs #NicolasCarr #activityrhythm