Hey #digipres community! How do you validate EPUB 2 files? I realize that the oldest #EPUBCheck release available is v. 3.0, based on the EPUB 3 spec (https://github.com/w3c/epubcheck/releases/tag/v3.0)!
A new preview of epubcheck has just been released by the Daisy consortium. Yay!
Why is this interesting even if you are not an EPUB developer or publisher? If everything goes as planned, W3C publishes a new version of EPUB next year. A W3C standard will be published with an industry quality, comprehensive testing tool made available to publishers and authors. This is certainly newsworthy imho...
#w3c #epub3 #epubcheck
✨ #little-webby-press is shaping up nicely. ✨ * #eBook generation as a client-side-only PWA. * #EPUB3 sample passes #epubcheck. * Looking nice in #Kobo and other #eReaders. 📚 (https://andregarzia.com/2020/11/little-webby-press-testing-book-generation.html?utm_source=all&utm_medium=rss)
#ereaders #kobo #epubcheck #epub3 #ebook #little
It is time for celebration. For the first time since I started programming #LittleWebbyPress, a #epub generated by the tool passed the validation from #epubcheck with no warnings or errors.
I think I'll be ready to launch the project by next week.
#ebooks #GFTW #epubcheck #epub #LittleWebbyPress
W3C is looking for a developer/technical lead for the #epubcheck tool. See RFP for more info https://github.com/IDPF/epubcheck/wiki/Epubcheck-Development-Update-and-Maintenance-Request-for-Proposal #epub