Hatte gestern das zweifelhafte Vergnügen, in einem #Mercedes #EQS als Passagier mitzufahren. Ich fühlte mich wie in einem Raumschiff. Nicht so arg wie der #BMW von #ElektroDieter, aber doch völlig over the top.
#mercedes #eqs #bmw #elektrodieter
Which EVs use the iPhones Dynamic Island to indicate charging progress? (This is from my #EQS.)
Just a little reminder to all. If you know someone whoose trying to into EQS, please remind them to confirm their email address from their email account, or if they haven't received a verification email from us please let us know at equestria.social/about
'kay :twilightsmile:
#welcome #everypony #guide #equestria #eqs
Also, have fun with the emotes and their shortcuts
i.e :.twilightsmile.: minus . = :twilightsmile:
:.rainbowexcited.: = :rainbowexcited:
:.raritystarry.: = :raritystarry:
:.ponewink.: = :ponewink: etc
All emote commands can be found in the emotes icons.
#emote #welcome #guide #everypony #eqs #equestria
A Tidel Wave of ponies are sweeping into this corner of the Fediverse.
How are all of you newcomers doing?
#everypony #hi #welcome #eqs #equestria
Drüben bei LinkedIn fragt eine Verbrennungsmotor-Lobby-Frau mich mit süffisantem Unterton, wie lange es denn immer so dauert, bis ich meinen #EQS aufgetankt habe. Was sie nicht versteht: Mein EV fahre ich nicht immer bis "kurz vor leer", weil sich der doofe Weg zur Tankstelle ja lohnen muss. Ich halte ihn immer bei ˜80% und komme damit jederzeit überall hin. Dazu tanke ich primär nach ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten aus dem PV-Überschuss. Und das Ganze auch noch automatisiert!
Benz EQE/EQS 推付費解鎖功能 月費 60 美元起改善加速表現
近年隨着汽車智能化,透過遙距軟件更新加入新功能也變得普遍。也有車廠趁這個機會推出月費服務。最近 Mercedes-Benz 就公佈新的服務,車主每月付費就可以提升汽車加速表現。
The post Benz EQE/EQS 推付費解鎖功能 月費 60 美元起改善加速表現 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#車壇動向 #EQE #EQS #Mercedes
馬力更大續航更長更豪華 平治 Maybach EQS SUV 發表
德國車廠平治昨日發表了以 EQS SUV 為基礎,但更豪華的 Mercedes-Maybach EQS SUV。冠上 Maybach 品牌後,本來已經相當高級的 EQS SUV 變得更加奢華,舉個例子,車廂內的普通杯架可換成放置香檳杯的特別杯架,可以想像這款純電 SUV 的定位跟目標顧客是誰。
The post 馬力更大續航更長更豪華 平治 Maybach EQS SUV 發表 appeared first on 香港 unwire.hk 玩生活.樂科技.
#車壇動向 #EQS SUV #Mercedes-Maybach #Mercedes-Maybach EQS SUV
I created a media dashboard for the Mercedes EQ series with Homarr as the base. It's running as an Azure App Service backed with a dedicated storage account.
You can access it from the car at https://myeq.app and the repo is at https://github.com/Gyarbij/MyEQ
I really wanted some of things I had in my Tesla and i'll work on the cam next so I can have the Mercedes dashcam auto upload the recorded footage to an Azure storage account.
Only tested on the EQS so far but should work on the S-Klasse and new C-Klasse.
Re-Post since I had accidentally deleted the first message 🙄
I will soon have the opportunity to test the new Mercedes-Benz EQS with Drive Pilot (Autopilot). The EQS is battery electric sedan with the first conditionally automated driving system (L3) meeting the legal requirements of the international UN-R157 (hello impostor #Musk 👋)
#Mercedes #Selfdriving #EQS #Musk #Tesla
#musk #mercedes #selfdriving #eqs #tesla
Death toll from the aggressive #Turkey #EQs continues to rise. Last live update reported 7,800+.
Here's how you can help.
#earthquake #disasterassistance #humanitarianaid
#turkey #eqs #earthquake #disasterassistance #humanitarianaid #compassion #makeadifference
Mercedes batte Tesla: diventa la prima azienda certificata di auto autonome di livello 3 negli USA
La funzione è attualmente disponibile solo nelle ultime versioni della #ClasseS e della berlina #EQS, che sono attualmente in produzione e dovrebbero arrivare a Las Vegas entro il terzo #trimestre di quest’anno.
È partita la corsa delle case #automobilistiche per diventare le prime a #sviluppare e #implementare un alto livello di autonomia nelle loro auto.
#Mercedes sembra aver vinto la gara contro #Tesla, diventando la prima azienda certificata di #auto #autonome di livello 3 negli #statiuniti.
A cura di Alessia Tomaselli.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#classes #eqs #trimestre #automobilistiche #sviluppare #implementare #mercedes #tesla #auto #autonome #statiuniti #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
Neuigkeiten zu den Fahrerassistenzsystemen:
Der #EQS hat jetzt eine offizielle Level 3 Zulassung des #DrivePilot für den Straßenverkehr in Nevada.
#Tesla verharrt mit dem #AutoPilot bei Level 2. Versprochen war Level 5 bis Ende 2016. Beworben wurde es damals, als könne man das bereits und die Zulassung stehe unmittelbar bevor.
#eqs #drivepilot #tesla #autopilot #daimler #mercedesbenz #fas
You will own nothing, and you will be happy! (jgd) #MercedesBenz #BeschleunigungsAbo #EQE #EQS
#mercedesbenz #beschleunigungsabo #eqe #eqs
#Eqcnz is helping my geography even as someone who is an #Aotearoadon #NZTwits as it's amazing the number of national geographical locations where #EQs go off that I never knew the name or precise situation of... Or their proximity to #TectonicPlates #Geology
#geology #TectonicPlates #eqs #nztwits #aotearoadon #eqcnz
Mercedes-Benz’s new sound system could finally push music beyond stereo - Enlarge / The Dolby Atmos sound system in the newly revealed Mercedes-B... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1890843 #mercedes-benz #dolbyatmos #cars #eqe #eqs
#eqs #eqe #cars #dolbyatmos #mercedes