The number of times I’ve seen government projects that would be felt to be “reassuringly expensive” by the client, that actually turn out to be just overpriced and over promised is depressingly high.
Projects in #HMRC and #HMPO by smaller agile consultancies like #EqualExperts has demonstrated that well architected and executed systems can be delivered quickly and much more cheaply than via the traditional multi year consultancy contracts.
Phil Parker doing his level best to avoid our social media team during his fascinating talk on small steps towards continuous delivery.
#continuousdelivery #equalexperts
Are you in the Equal Experts Data workshop?
Happening now at DevConf Cape Town!
#equalexperts #data #workshop #dataengineer
Donald Graham presenting,
Microservice Reuse: Some Unintended Consequences!
Lessons learned and when to run away!
#devconf #softwareengineer #equalexperts
Phil Parker is addressing a standing room only crowd on continuous delivery at DevConf today!
#devconf #equalexperts #softwaredevelopment
Have you RSVP'd to our Cape Town workshop with Equal Experts? It's going to be a cracker!
You'll have received an email with the RSVP links.
See you there!
#DevConf #learning #EqualExperts #datascientists #data #software
#devconf #learning #equalexperts #datascientists #data #software
If you're going to our Cape Town event, you'll meet Neil!
He's going to be discussing the importance of predictive models for your stakeholders (before they are published), and his talk will come with some frameworks you can use, lessons learned and alot of knowledge!
See you there!
#DevConf #CapeTown #Data #datascientist #datamodels #EqualExperts
#devconf #capetown #data #datascientist #datamodels #equalexperts
Equal Experts join DevConf in Cape Town as a GOLD Sponsor and sponsors of one of our workshops!
We know our community shares our excitement in welcoming EE back this year! If you haven’t followed them on social media yet, please do so on their LinkedIn page here.
#DevConf #EqualExperts #softwaredevelopers #techevent #EqualExpertsSouthAfrica #EEnetwork
#devconf #equalexperts #softwaredevelopers #techevent #equalexpertssouthafrica #eenetwork
Going to #equalexperts Christmas party tonight in London oop the Oxo. Should I wear glitter?