Leiharbeit – und der Niedriglohn-Tarifvertrag
Das vom Interessenverband Deutscher Zeitarbeitsunternehmen (iGZ e.V.) mit der Gewerkschaft ver.di geschlossene Tarifwerk zur Leiharbeit, das vom Grundsatz des gleichen Arbeitsentgelts (§ 8 Abs. 1 Satz 1 AÜG bzw. § 10 Abs. 4 Satz 1 AÜG aF) "nach unten" abweicht, genügt den unionsrech
#Arbeitsrecht #ImBrennpunkt #equalpay #Leiharbeit #Tarifvertrag
#Arbeitsrecht #imbrennpunkt #equalpay #leiharbeit #tarifvertrag
The dispute is playing out amid broader upheaval in Spanish #soccer, w/the firing on Tues of the #women’s national soccer coach, #JorgeVilda, whom players had criticized for his domineering management style, & the filing of a #criminal complaint against #LuisRubiales, the head of the #Spain’s soccer fed, by #JenniferHermoso, a player on the national women’s team whom he forcibly kissed during a public celebration of the team’s #WorldCup final victory….
#soccer #women #jorgevilda #criminal #luisrubiales #spain #jenniferhermoso #worldcup #equalpay #misogyny #malesupremacy
#Female #soccer players in #Spain are going on #strike as the club season begins, a #union representative said on Thurs, as a dispute over conduct by the head of the country’s soccer federation widened into a fight w/their clubs over pay.
Early this month, the #women’s players’ union announced that if working conditions did not improve…, the women would not play….
#EqualPay #Misogyny #MaleSupremacy
#female #soccer #spain #strike #union #women #equalpay #misogyny #malesupremacy
Birmingham City Council effectively declares itself bankrupt as equal pay claims stack up | The Independent
#Birmingham #BirminghamCityCouncil #bankruptcy #equalpay #S114Notice #labour #tories
I was marching for the #era & #equal pay as a youngster (6 yrs)…
Here we are…still fighting this fight!
#vassar is still pulling this $h*t!
“The College has known for many yrs that it has unlawfully paid men more than women, but it has for yrs rejected our overtures & refused to address this #discrimination in any meaningful or substantive way. We are therefore compelled to voice our disapproval, the letter says.”#education #equalpay
#equalpay #education #discrimination #vassar #equal #era
England women's match fees increased to equal men's by England and Wales Cricket Board
#UK to #reinstate Brussels-derived law protecting #equal pay
#uk #reinstate #equal #equalpay
Step 1: as part of EU Retained Law Bill, rights to #equalpay were scrapped;
[#Tory support among women continues to fall]
Step 2: Labour says it will introduce #gender pay equality laws early if they are elected;
Step 3: Suddenly, #Tories make a public commitment to introduce a law to protect gender equality rights to pay in the Autumn.
But, announcing the reintroduction of equal pay legislation is likely to be more declaratory politics;
I'll believe it the I see it & not a moment before
#equalpay #tory #gender #tories
Tonight the US Open is celebrating Billie Jean King and 50 Years of Equal Pay (at the grand slams of tennis) and it's so disappointing that FIFTY YEARS later, so many women in this country and around the world are still not being paid equally.
I'm for it and in, 8.3.2024, who's with me?!
Ich bin dafür und dabei, 8.3.2024, wer macht mit?!
// @amydiehl
#frauentag #womensday #equalpay #gleichstellung
Today in Labor History August 26, 1970: The Women's Strike for Equality celebrated the 50th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, giving women in the U.S. the right to vote. Sponsored by the National Organization for Women (NOW), the national protest had 3 primary goals: free abortion on demand, equal opportunity in the workforce & free childcare. There were many satirical picket signs like Don't iron while the strike is hot & Hardhats for Soft Broads & We have the right to vote for the man of our choice. In Detroit, women staged a sit-in in a men's restroom protesting unequal facilities for men and women staffers. In Pittsburgh, four women threw eggs at a radio host who dared them to show their liberation.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #feminism #women #WomensRights #abortion #eqaultiy #EqualPay #liberation #childcare #NOW
#workingclass #LaborHistory #feminism #women #womensrights #abortion #eqaultiy #equalpay #liberation #childcare #now
Gutachten: "2/3 kennen ihre Rechte nicht". Im anderen Drittel "sehen manche keinen Mehrwert, oder fürchten, dass ein Auskunftsersuchen von Vorgesetzten negativ bewertet wird."
Also NOCHMAL nachgewiesen: #Entgelttransparenzgesetz bewirkt in der jetzigen Fassung KEIN #Equalpay
Es braucht nicht erneut solche Nachweise, sondern politischen Willen, #Gleichstellung beim #Lohn durchzusetzen! https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/lohngleichheit-maenner-frauen-entgelttransparenzgesetz-100.html
#entgelttransparenzgesetz #equalpay #Gleichstellung #lohn
ICYMI: Black Women’s Equal Pay Day: An Ongoing Struggle Against Workplace Inequity https://shinemycrown.com/black-womens-equal-pay-day-an-ongoing-struggle-against-workplace-inequity/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #News #EqualPay #WorkplaceInequity
#News #equalpay #workplaceinequity
Black Women’s Equal Pay Day: An Ongoing Struggle Against Workplace Inequity https://shinemycrown.com/black-womens-equal-pay-day-an-ongoing-struggle-against-workplace-inequity/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #News #EqualPay #WorkplaceInequity
#News #equalpay #workplaceinequity
@Jinx_HH #Fußball ist ein furchtbar schlechtes Beispiel für #equalpay. Das Problem ist doch nicht, dass die Frauen zu wenig Milliarden verdienen, sondern die Männer zuviel, von den Ganoven der #FIFA jedweden Geschlechts ganz zu schweigen. Jede Nachrichtensendung, die über dieses Turnier berichtet, wird sofort ausgeschaltet.
#Fußball ist ein furchtbar schlechtes Beispiel für #equalpay. Das Problem ist doch nicht, dass die Frauen zu wenig Milliarden verdienen, sondern die Männer zuviel, von den Ganoven der #FIFA jedweden Geschlechts ganz zu schweigen. Jede Nachrichtensendung, die über dieses Turnier berichtet, wird sofort ausgeschaltet.l
Beim #GenderPayGap vergeht #Barbie das Lachen, denn in fast allen Berufen hat sie weniger Einkommen als #Ken. Im Schnitt verdienen Frauen in Deutschland 18% weniger als Männer. Das muss sich ändern. Wir #Gewerkschaften kämpfen wir dafür, dass alle fair bezahlt werden. ✊
#BarbieTheMovie #DGB #Gewerkschaft #EqualPay #EqualPayDay #Frauen #Bezahlung
#genderpaygap #barbie #ken #gewerkschaften #barbiethemovie #dgb #gewerkschaft #equalpay #equalpayday #frauen #bezahlung