Beim #GenderPayGap vergeht #Barbie das Lachen, denn in fast allen Berufen hat sie weniger Einkommen als #Ken. Im Schnitt verdienen Frauen in Deutschland 18% weniger als Männer. Das muss sich ändern. Wir #Gewerkschaften kämpfen wir dafür, dass alle fair bezahlt werden. ✊
#BarbieTheMovie #DGB #Gewerkschaft #EqualPay #EqualPayDay #Frauen #Bezahlung
#genderpaygap #barbie #ken #gewerkschaften #barbiethemovie #dgb #gewerkschaft #equalpay #equalpayday #frauen #bezahlung
Ein großes Aktionsbündnis lädt am Freitag zum #EqualPayDay in #Dortmund ein: 30 Institutionen und Vereine rufen ab 15 Uhr zur Teilnahme an der Demo auf - los geht es am Friedensplatz. #Politik #Wirtschaft #GenderPayGap #Soziales #Frauenrechte
#equalpayday #dortmund #politik #wirtschaft #genderpaygap #soziales #frauenrechte
RT @WIMSummit
It's #EqualPayDay again, and the #PayGap still exists.
Female physicians make 2 million less than male colleagues
Women RNs are paid 91c for every dollar earned by men
And the disparity is worse for WOC.
We need action now. #WIMStrongerTogether
#equalpayday #paygap #WIMStrongerTogether
RT @WomenSurgeons
March 14, 2023 is #EqualPayDay, symbolizing how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. Female surgeons earn 8% less annually than male surgeons.
Help close the pay gap with the AWS gender equity toolkit:
feels like the right time to re-share this:
RT @WIMSummit
It's #EqualPayDay again, and the #PayGap still exists.
Female physicians make 2 million less than male colleagues
Women RNs are paid 91c for every dollar earned by men
And the disparity is worse for WOC.
We need action now. #WIMStrongerTogether
#equalpayday #paygap #WIMStrongerTogether
#BlueCollarWriter Labor News Update 03/10/2023
#1u #EqualPayDay #WomensHistoryMonth #UnionStrong #UnionsForAll #Unions
#bluecollarwriter #1u #equalpayday #womenshistorymonth #unionstrong #unionsforall #unions
#EqualPayDay #WIMStrongerTogether
RT @WIMSummit
It's #EqualPayDay again, and the #PayGap still exists.
Female physicians make 2 million less than male colleagues
Women RNs are paid 91c for every dollar earned by men
And the disparity is worse for WOC.
We need action now. #WIMStrongerTogether
#dobetter #equalpayday #WIMStrongerTogether #paygap
Women have worked for free so far this year, at least when compared to men. It’s as if their labor doesn’t count. Literally.
This is a super interesting Storyboard discussing the #GenderPayGap and a great read for #equalpayday.
#genderpaygap #equalpayday #womenonmastodon #feminism
RT @latimes
Streaming has depressed Hollywood writers’ pay over the last decade according to a new report released by The Writers Guild of America. #EqualPayDay #wga
Whole lotta arse kickin of MarkWayneBillyBobThornton
WATCH (it'll give you life)
#EqualPayDay #tuesdayvibe
Tues #EqualPayDay marks continuing discrepancy btwn men & women’s #salaries a date the country has been recognizing since 1996. But in 27 yrs since effort began to bring attention to pay gap it has narrowed very little. In 2023, women are earning 77 cents for every $ earned by White men, the racial group with the highest pay across occupations. That figure takes the average pay for all full- and part-time working women and compares it with the average pay for White men.
RT @cliffschecter
Whole lotta arse kickin of MarkWayneBillyBobThornton
WATCH (it'll give you life)
#EqualPayDay #tuesdayvibe
It's #equalpayday and so I did a bit of math to figure out what percentage we're at, on average.
So, 73rd day of this year.
365+73 = 438
365/438 = 0.833333 = 83.3%
Not as bad as it used to be, but that's not saying much.
If I take that and use it to calculate a bit... *fiddles with calculator*
Looks like I should have been making over $20k more last year.*
That woulda given me a SHIT-TON more breathing room.
*To be fair, apparently a LOT of us were underpaid there and I know I was making more than at least a couple of the guys. Still.
It's #EqualPayDay 💵 We're reviewing our wage transparency policy. Are you comfortable with your colleagues knowing your salary?
Diese Woche - ZUFALL ?!?
Dienstag = #EqualPayDay
Mittwoch = #Frauentag / #FeministischerKampftag
Donnerstag = Tag der Barbie-Puppe
#BarbieTag #Barbie
#barbie #barbietag #feministischerkampftag #frauentag #equalpayday
I make 130kUSD a year as a senior support engineer. I honestly don't know if that is high or low.
Gleicher Lohn für gleiche Arbeit ist nur der Anfang! Gemeinsam gegen Sexismus und Diskrimierung. #Solidarität ✊🏽✊🏿✊🏻
#solidaritat #weltfrauentag #iwwd2023 #8marz #equalpayday