Résoudre des équations en comptant des arbres
Source : CNRS - Images des mathématiques / Berglund, Nils
#mathématiques #maths #math #équations
#equations #math #maths #mathematiques
Why you can't go #FasterThanLight (with #Equations)) - #SixtySymbols
#Physics #Relativity #SpecialReltivity #GeneralRelativity #Light #FTL #LightSpeed #Einstein #AlbertEinstein #BradyHaran #MikeMerrifield #ProfMikeMerrifield #ProfessorMikeMerrifield #UniversityOfNottingham #NottinghamUniversity
#nottinghamuniversity #UniversityofNottingham #professormikemerrifield #profmikemerrifield #mikemerrifield #bradyharan #alberteinstein #einstein #lightspeed #FTL #light #generalrelativity #specialreltivity #relativity #physics #sixtysymbols #equations #fasterthanlight
#SabineHossenfelder - What are #DifferentialEquations and how do they work?
#prediction #physics #equations #mathematics #maths #math #differentialequations #sabinehossenfelder
Referenced link: https://techxplore.com/news/2023-04-ai-scientist-combines-theory-scientific.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://techxplore.com/news/2023-04-ai-scientist-combines-theory-scientific.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/TechXplore_com/status/1646075691069235200#m
RT by @physorg_com: New 'AI scientist' combines theory and data to discover scientific #equations @umbc @NatureComms https://techxplore.com/news/2023-04-ai-scientist-combines-theory-scientific.html
In the #2020s, several important #mathematical #formulas and #equations had been related to #socialnetworks and #socialgraphs. Some notable ones included the Erdős–Rényi #randomgraphmodel (G(n, p)), the Watts-Strogatz #smallworld #networkmodel, and the Barabási-Albert #preferential #attachmentmodel. These models had been used to explain the #emergence of specific #network properties, such as the small-world phenomenon, #scalefreeness, and clustering. https://parkhealth.io/Social+Graph
#2020s #Mathematical #formulas #equations #socialNetworks #socialgraphs #randomgraphmodel #smallworld #networkmodel #preferential #attachmentmodel #Emergence #network #scalefreeness
If you need to solve symbolic #math problems in #Python code, check out the complete #solving guide for SymPy #computer #algebra package I wrote ten pages on topics such as systems of #equations, ordinary #differential equations, #polynomials, #inequalities, #matrix equations, and Diophantine equations, and numerical solving. https://docs.sympy.org/dev/guides/solving/index.html
#math #python #solving #computer #algebra #equations #differential #polynomials #inequalities #matrix
Global fresh #Water demand will outstrip supply by 40% by 2030, say experts : Guardian
Human #Brain cells used as living #AIs to solve mathematical #Equations : New Scientist
Why Saving World’s #Peatlands Can Help Stabilize the #Climate : Yale
Check our most popular #KnowledgeLinks
#knowledgelinks #Climate #Peatlands #equations #AIS #brain #Water
#SabineHossenfelder - Do #ComplexNumbers Exist?
"Do complex #Numbers exist or are they just a convenient, #MathematicalTool that we use in science? With the exception of #QuantumMechanics, it is easy to get rid of complex numbers. But can you do quantum mechanics without complex numbers? A recent paper says no, you can't."
#Math #Maths #Mathematics #Science #Physics #Equations #ComplexPlane #TheComplexPlane #ComplexNumber #e #i #Pi #QM #QuantumPhysics
#quantumphysics #qm #pi #i #e #complexnumber #thecomplexplane #complexplane #equations #physics #science #mathematics #maths #math #quantummechanics #mathematicaltool #numbers #complexnumbers #sabinehossenfelder
‘Super-tipping points’ could trigger cascade of #Climate #Action : Guardian
Why Do We #Dream? A New Theory on How It Protects Our #Brains : Time
James #Maxwell and How his #Equations Shaped the Modern World : Medium
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#knowledgelinks #equations #maxwell #brains #dream #action #Climate
What I find interesting is: b^2 -4ac > 0 can be rewritten to say that the arithmetic mean of roots is > geometric mean. But what even IS geometric mean for two complex numbers?
#math #mathematics #quadratic #equations
This plane represents all possible #quadratic #equations with real coefficients.
The area in red is where both roots are real because the discriminant b^2 - 4ac is > 0. All the quadratics with imaginary roots lie inside the white region that's a parabola itself.
> One of the central problems in fluid dynamics is to figure out if the [Euler] equations ever fail, outputting nonsensical values that render them unable to predict a fluid’s future states.
> Mathematicians have long suspected that there exist initial conditions that cause the equations to break down. But they haven’t been able to prove it.
> In a preprint posted online last month, a pair of mathematicians has shown that a particular version of the Euler equations does indeed sometimes fail.
> Perhaps in some situations, the equations will proceed as expected, producing precise values for the state of the fluid at any given moment, only for one of those values to suddenly skyrocket to infinity. At that point, the Euler equations are said to give rise to a “singularity” — or, more dramatically, to “blow up.”
> Once they hit that singularity, the equations will no longer be able to compute the fluid’s flow.
Computer Proof ‘Blows Up’ Centuries-Old Fluid Equations
Very important and interesting work, if you're a mathematician, a physicist or an engineer that has ever 'crashed' with Euler/Navier-Stokes equations.
#math #physics #fluids #euler #navierstokes #equations #singularities
#math #fluids #physics #euler #navierstokes #equations #singularities
Just released: Chemistry Final Equations Cheat Sheet by katherinedoucet
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/katherinedoucet/cheat-sheets/chemistry-final-equations/?utm_source=mastodon
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #equations
Just released: Chemistry Final Equations Cheat Sheet by katherinedoucet
Download it free at http://www.cheatography.com/katherinedoucet/cheat-sheets/chemistry-final-equations/?utm_source=mastodon
#cheatsheet #cheatsheets #equations
Happy #Monday everyone! What nice day to show teenagers how to solve #quadratic #equations by completing the square!
#mathematics #algebra #PublicEducation
#monday #Quadratic #equations #mathematics #algebra #publiceducation
Can you please explain to a 14, 17 and 48 year old the reason why taking the square root of both sides does not work? #squareroot #equations
What is the solution for arranging the most fish fingers ( of length a and width b ) flat and non-overlapping in a pan of radius r ? #optimisation #optimization #geometry #maths #solution #equations #brainteaser #fishfingers
#fishfingers #brainteaser #equations #solution #maths #geometry #optimization #optimisation
@classeadeux @quentelmarc Tiens... J'irais jeter un œil quand j'attaquerai les #équations. 😉👍
#mathigon #teammaths #teampe #teamprof #teamprofs
#equations #mathigon #teammaths #teampe #teamprof #teamprofs