We can stop creating pain to all nonhuman life by moving to #EquatorialLowEarthOrbitLiving (#ELEOL ). We can begin to do this now if we truly care about the earth and her other children. It would also be best for humans in our opinion. It is time we left the nest before we destroy the planet. It is time to #ExodusEarth . #earth #animal #ecology #philosophy @philosophy #caring
Read #TheHighFrontier:AnEasierWay
#thehighfrontier #caring #philosophy #ecology #animal #earth #ExodusEarth #eleol #equatoriallowearthorbitliving
For the sake of all living things it is time for humans to leave their nest, not far from the nest, just far enough to set the earth and her other children free. #ExodusEarth #EquatorialLowEarthOrbitLiving #ELEOL
#eleol #equatoriallowearthorbitliving #ExodusEarth