J'ai fait jouer des poneyyyys !
Ca faisait longtemps, ça m'a bien fait plaisir.
J'ai aussi parler de For the drama pr les jeux qu'on y trouve dont certains sont child friendly ainsi que de Cos'île et Cosy Town.
Jouez avec les enfants, c'est très chouette ! 😁
#jdr #festival #equestria #MyLittlePony
#jdr #festival #equestria #mylittlepony
Greetings to all throughout #Equestria and thy #Fediverse!
If y'all didn't know, #ElevenLabs now has quite a few new Pre-made voices! Among the following #SunRealms update, you'll here two of them, and one generated voice. Can you tell which voice is the randomly generated one?
Anyway, y'all enjoy this #audiolabs creation!
#audiolabs #sunrealms #elevenlabs #fediverse #equestria
Hello #Equestria!
A Good Morning From Sunset Shimmer for y'all on this Friday, thanks of course to #ElevenLabs.
But also to #audiolabs, as I finally understood how the 'merge' feature works.
As for adding sound effects? That's better to be done on a Computer, but hey, hope y'all enjoy anyways!
#audiolabs #elevenlabs #equestria
Greetings #Equestria! Just another random good morning from Celestia via #ElevenLabs, short and sweet.
Also, #TMobile #Money ain't a bad bank. No it ain't my primary (that goes to #CapitalOne), but the fact it lowers my phone bill even lower now? I myself am highly pleased with it!
#capitalone #money #tmobile #elevenlabs #equestria
Hello to all of #Equestria!
A Message From Twilight Sparkle, thanks to the V2 language model from #ElevenLabs (currently in Alpha).
In short, Uberduck's changing their voice policy!
For my #Equestria mates who haven’t followed me over on #Calckey which is completely ‘optional’ by the way (see profile), I’m enjoying the #MilkTea ap for #Android:
even more now, because I tweaked one simple option under Settings>Appearance.
That option being the ‘Show Instance Information’ option to ‘off’, as it shows the entire URL for the remote post in question.
NB. MilkTea calls boosts ‘Renodes’ instead of boosts/reposts.
#android #milktea #calckey #equestria
@shivalwolf Oh wow! Luna does not get talked enough about, but glad that you are keeping a fan favorite in #Equestria alive and well.
Just a little reminder to all. If you know someone whoose trying to into EQS, please remind them to confirm their email address from their email account, or if they haven't received a verification email from us please let us know at equestria.social/about
'kay :twilightsmile:
#welcome #everypony #guide #equestria #eqs
Also, have fun with the emotes and their shortcuts
i.e :.twilightsmile.: minus . = :twilightsmile:
:.rainbowexcited.: = :rainbowexcited:
:.raritystarry.: = :raritystarry:
:.ponewink.: = :ponewink: etc
All emote commands can be found in the emotes icons.
#emote #welcome #guide #everypony #eqs #equestria
A Tidel Wave of ponies are sweeping into this corner of the Fediverse.
How are all of you newcomers doing?
#everypony #hi #welcome #eqs #equestria
@shivalwolf Stupid blind person question. How do you decide what "life-sized" is for a #pony? As far as I'm aware, the show has never shown a pony standing next to a person. Anything in #Equestria is going to be pony-sized, so you can't really use it for perspective, right?
#MLP A recent moment from my #Equestria dreamscape. Marble Vein arched her back and draped her right front leg off the divan she was lying on to look back at the newcomer. After a moment she spoke in a soft, smoky voice.
"Oh hello there. My, my. I have so many guests in my garden of dreams tonight. Can you please be patient? I am entertaining a couple of guests at the moment. I'll be with you soon. I promise."
*he look for books that's about outside of #Equestria * do pony's know what's out side the boundaries of there own walls?
Ok there are Griffin and changlings and pony's and Diamond dogs? Weird I gotta read moor on evey thing that lives in #Equestria I mean there are bat pony's and vam-bat pony's what's the difference. *he say to himself *
*after dinner he went out and walked through ponyvill maybe he should be out wondering through #Equestria like he did before?*
*After eating he went to find the cave when he feist stayed in #Equestria *
//im gonna edit his wiki it's been years since I've seen it might change his back story to fit the show static knowing that everypony is welcome in #Equestria even if there not from there//
*well being snowed in had it upside he hoped all of #ponyvill or even parts of #Equestria did not have this fate he hope some pony like the @EquestrianGuard can help pony's clear the snow but surely they have other things to do then to help anyone but royalty *
*he wanted having nothing else to do but to grab a book and read it it was only a small history book on #Equestria*
Me with my friends @Teo and @Maraxoni
#equestria #goodmorning #degeneration #party #shitpost