For folks that complain about cleaning the cat box. .this is one horse's output for one day...still have another horse's paddock to do. #equestrians #horsemanure
#ADHDers , how do you not be rubbish at all this social media engagement malarkey?? 🙄.
I'm in constant conversation with myself, but I find creating posts so tedious and suddenly feel like I have nothing to say 🥲🫠.
On another note, I went to #LondonInternationalHorseShow yesterday... it always strikes me that riding a 500kg+ animal is pretty mad... how many of us #ADHD peeps are also #Equestrians ?
#Equine #HorseLover #ADHDHorseLover #ADHDWoman #SocialMediaTips #Olympia22
#ADHDers #LondonInternationalHorseShow #adhd #equestrians #equine #horselover #ADHDHorseLover #ADHDWoman #socialmediatips #Olympia22 #olympia
Tohle mně nikdy neomrzí 😁📷🐴
#horses #horsephoto #horseart #horselovers #horsepic #horsephotography #equine #equinepics #equinephoto #equestrians #equestrianlife
#horses #horsephoto #horseart #horselovers #horsepic #horsephotography #equine #equinepics #equinephoto #equestrians #equestrianlife
Takové to když v práci konečně otevřete oči (letní a zimní verze) 😂😂😂
#horse #horselife #horseart #horselove #horsephoto #equestrians #equestrianlife #equestrian #pferde #equine #equinephoto #equinelover
#horse #horselife #horseart #horselove #horsephoto #equestrians #equestrianlife #equestrian #pferde #equine #equinephoto #equinelover
Hey #HorsePeople / #equestrians
Serious question: Have we tried lunging men?
Sunset 🌄🐴📷
#horse #horselife #equine #equinephotography #equinelover #equestrian #equestrians #horsepic #horsephoto #animals #sunset #sun
#horse #horselife #equine #equinephotography #equinelover #equestrian #equestrians #horsepic #horsephoto #animals #sunset #sun