#15yrsago Anti-#Scientology YouTube videos censored by the thousands https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2008/09/massive-takedown-anti-scientology-videos-youtube
#10yrsago Worst-paid Brits risk losing benefits for “not working enough” https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/sep/06/uk-lowest-paid-classed-not-working-enough
#5yrsago It’s been a year since #Equifax doxed America and nothing’s changed https://www.axios.com/2018/09/06/after-equifaxs-mega-breach-nothing-changed-1536241622
#5yrsago The most popular “privacy” tool in Apple’s Mac App Store was stealing users’ browsing history and sending it to China https://objective-see.org/blog/blog_0x37.html
#15yrsago #scientology #10yrsago #5yrsago #equifax
#Experian #Equifax #TransUnion
Senator Ron Wyden told #404Media in a statement that “These companies have demonstrated that they can't control who has access to their data products. The government needs to stop these companies from packaging and selling our personal information, and the senior executives that put profit over national security and Americans' safety should be punished accordingly.”
#experian #equifax #transunion #404media
Two pillars of the American surveillance industry are #CreditReporting bureaux and #DataBrokers. Both are *unbelievably* sleazy, reckless and dangerous, and neither faces any real accountability, let alone regulation.
Remember #Equifax, the company that doxed *every adult in America* and was given a mere wrist-slap, and now continues to assemble nonconsensual dossiers on every one of us, without any material oversight improvements?
#CreditReporting #databrokers #equifax
#5yrsago Appeals court kills the dirty trick of using Indian tribes as a front for #PatentTrolls and claiming sovereign immunity https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/07/court-native-american-tribe-cant-be-a-sovereign-shield-during-patent-review/
#5yrsago What it’s like when Nazis infiltrate your conference https://twitter.com/JairusKhan/status/1021576115670933511
#5yrsago Watchdog: UK spies engaged in illegal surveillance from 2001-2012 https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-44936592
#5yrsago #Equifax says it’s spent $200m on security since the breach, so everything’s OK now https://www.wired.com/story/equifax-security-overhaul-year-after-breach/
#5yrsago #patenttrolls #equifax
The major credit reporting agencies are all still dumpster fires
I tried to dispute incorrect information. The process didn't fully work at any of the agencies. I was eventually able to dispute all of the incorrect information at one, but I was unable to dispute so
#ConsumerActivism #GovernmentActivism #ConsumerFinancialProtectionBureau #CreditReporting #Equifax #Experian #TransUnion
#consumeractivism #governmentactivism #consumerfinancialprotectionbureau #CreditReporting #equifax #experian #transunion
"Our records indicate that in 2022, Equifax received a Right to Know request from you under the California Consumer Privacy Act. Due to a technology issue, which has been resolved, the Right to Know request was not processed successfully."
How convenient? At least supposedly it has been fixed. #CCPA #privacy #equifax
Global News BC: Money Tips Monday: How to deal with your credit card debt https://globalnews.ca/news/9793785/money-tips-monday-credit-card-debt/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #JenniferRobinsexecutivedirectorofLaunchOkanagan #StatisticsCanada #MoneyTipsMonday #creditcarddebt #Canadiandebt #MoneyMatters #Economy #Equifax
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #jenniferrobinsexecutivedirectoroflaunchokanagan #StatisticsCanada #moneytipsmonday #creditcarddebt #canadiandebt #moneymatters #economy #equifax
How #Equifax PROFITS Selling Your #Financial #$Data
How Equifax PROFITS Selling Your Financial Data(video)..#Equifax https://youtu.be/heaPyxIcByo
Absolutely agree with House Energy Chair Rodgers that #TikTok does not embrace American values. Where are the data breaches, a la #TMobile or #Equifax?
Equifax is out there busting its hump to leak private information on 147 million Americans, fully 44% of the population, and all TikTok has is some speculative connections to the CCP? Disgraceful.
Step up your game or sell it to someone who knows how to party.
Consumers rip into credit bureaus as complaints climb again
Grievances against #TransUnion , #Equifax and #Experian dominated Consumer Financial Protection Bureau complaints in 2022.
#cfpb #privacy
#privacy #cfpb #experian #equifax #transunion
…a #StopCopCity hit list?!
#InspireBrands #DunkinDonuts #Delta #WaffleHouse #HomeDepot #GeorgiaPacific #Equifax #Carter #Accenture #WellsFargo #BankOfAmerica #MerrillLynch #ChickFilA #CocaCola #JayDavis #GasSouth #GeorgiaPacific #BrentScarborough #NorfolkSouthern #TonyRessler #AtlantaHawks #Rollins #AustinStephens #UPS
#StopCopCity #inspirebrands #dunkindonuts #delta #wafflehouse #HomeDepot #georgiapacific #equifax #carter #accenture #wellsfargo #bankofamerica #merrilllynch #chickfila #cocacola #jaydavis #gassouth #brentscarborough #norfolksouthern #tonyressler #atlantahawks #rollins #austinstephens #ups
I just finished freezing my credit reports with the big three.
Thanks so much for your excellent explanation!
#experian #transunion #equifax
Today I learned that Equifax runs a service that collects all of your salary data from as far back as they can get it. I got my own report (free for individuals) and found that it contained individual paychecks as far back as 2011 and as recently as the end of last year. I'm skeeved out that a company with such a poor record of data accuracy and privacy can do such a thing, but to top it off they limit passwords to 16 characters.
I'd encourage you to log into their system and see what they have on you, and enact a freeze if you can. Stupidly they only allow the most inconvenient methods possible including phone, fax, and mail. They also take data by email which seems like the absolute worst way to handle sensitive personal information. #privacy #Equifax
got my #WorkNumber report from #Equifax and it includes whether I ever made a worker’s comp claim at a particular employer and whether I was affiliated with a union 🙃
A great @minimumcompetence today, as it always is when @gina is at the helm.
Topics are state #arbitration limits being themselves limited in #California, regulatory plans to avert the next toxic #train disaster, #section230 and Column Tuesday taking aim at #Experian and #Equifax.
#lawfedi #podcast @law #ohiotrain #ohio
#arbitration #california #train #section230 #experian #equifax #lawfedi #podcast #ohiotrain #ohio
@law #Equifax has a market cap of ~$26b, derived almost entirely from mining our data. The ~$300m settlement is about 1% of their cap. To put that in perspective, imagine you made $150k per year off of your neighbor's information and only needed to pay $1,500 for the privilege of doing so. Would you change your model?