#Equinor vil ha større inntekter fra havvindprosjekt i USA. Det virker som om vi er totalt bortskjemte. Vi tjener penger som gress men er ikke villig til å ta noe risiko. Det tror jeg faller dårlig i smak i USA #Norsktut #havvind https://www.dn.no/energi/equinor/havvind/bp/mener-equinor-krever-160-milliarder-ekstra-for-a-bygge-havvind-i-new-york/2-1-1508410
#Wirtschaft #Economy #Briefing 289 #Gas #Gasimport #Erdgas #Deutschland #Germany #LNG #Niederlande #Norwegen #Belgien #Russland #Russia #Norway #Equinor #TheNetherlands #Gaspreis #GasSparen #Gasspeicher #Energie #Primärenergieerzeugung #Energiewirtschaft
Das deutsche Gaswunder nimmt Form an: Woher Deutschland sein Gas bezieht (Statista + Kommentar + Preise) | Briefing 289 | Wirtschaft
#wirtschaft #economy #briefing #gas #gasimport #erdgas #deutschland #germany #lng #niederlande #norwegen #belgien #russland #russia #norway #equinor #thenetherlands #gaspreis #gassparen #gasspeicher #energie #primarenergieerzeugung #energiewirtschaft
Mouah ha ha Le Gorafi a encore sorti une de ces #punchlines dont il a le secret ! !
Euh, quoi ! ?
Attendez un peu …
Norvège : le plus grand parc #éolien flottant mondial alimentera des #plateformes #pétrolières et #gazières | Euronews
> Le géant #pétrolier #Equinor est à l'origine du projet, mais les #énergies renouvelables ne représentent encore qu'une infime partie de sa production totale d' #énergie.
#notgorafi #energie #energies #equinor #petrolier #gazieres #petrolieres #plateformes #eolien #punchlines
Norwegian 🇳🇴 energy firm #Equinor & its partners will inaugurate the world's largest floating offshore #wind power farm today whose output will supply nearby oil & gas platforms & cut their greenhouse gas #emissions https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/equinor-inaugurates-worlds-largest-floating-wind-power-farm-norway-2023-08-23/
Problemet er at oljeindustrien får førsteprioritet når det er så mange som står i kø. Det er veldig risikofritt for #Equinor å satse på #elektrifisering når de har så gode #skatteordninger, og det blir forsterket med #koronapakken. Annet næringsliv kan ikke konkurrere på samme grunnlag, sier førsteamanuensis Berit Kristoffersen ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet. #melkoeya #norsktut https://www.tu.no/artikler/elektrifisering-av-melkoya-er-nedbetalt-pa-to-ar/535350?fbclid=IwAR0UFWgmOsIDxOaPfOAoe7FV8ZTdv7hrx7ePanSL9wl-kBq2UPirMoQUef0&key=JMkilBzZ
#equinor #elektrifisering #skatteordninger #koronapakken #melkoeya #Norsktut
«Ifølge Equinor er elektrifisering det eneste alternativet som fungerer, karbonfangst og lagring er altfor kostbart. Elektrifisering er billigere og mer gjennomførbart.»
Noen som skjønner om dette er noe Equinor faktisk har sagt/mener generelt? Har de gitt opp CCS? Eller er det med noen forbehold som ikke kommer frem?
Her på nettsiden til Equinor ser det ikke sånn ut:
"The UN secretary general has said that “climate change is out of control”, as an unofficial analysis of data showed that average world temperatures in the seven days to Wednesday were the hottest week on record."
And still... all the #UK does is:
- give a licence for massive #Equinor oil field to open
- fails to invest in #renewables
- spends money arresting #ClimateEmergency protestors
#uk #equinor #renewables #climateemergency #ClimateCrisis #climatechange #ClimateAction #climatejustice
Environmental groups are demanding an immediate halt to the ongoing development of three Norwegian 🇳🇴offshore #oil🛢️ fields, seeking a court injunction against the government https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/environment-campaigners-ask-court-halt-3-norwegian-oil-developments-2023-06-29/ #Equinor #AkerBP
Making billions in coal, oil, & gas?
Clean up your reputation by sponsoring @sciencemuseum !
#Adani #Equinor #BP
Great #subvertising from #ScientistsforXR @ScientistRebellion
#adani #equinor #bp #subvertising #ScientistsforXR
Jeg vil si #SV her la igjen en bombe på bordet. Det er ikke nok kraft fra land og #Equinor har utsatt sin #havvind satsning #norsknytt #regjeringen #norsktut https://e24.no/energi-og-klima/i/wA5Gv5/sv-varsler-groenn-seier-et-tydelig-signal-til-oljeselskapene
#SV #equinor #havvind #norsknytt #regjeringen #Norsktut
[There’s growing speculation that the decision to “postpone” work on the giant #BayDuNord #OilAndGas project off the #Newfoundland and #Labrador coast is actually a #cancellation moving in slow motion.
#Norwegian state fossil #Equinor announced Wednesday that it was #suspending plans to develop the C$16-billion Bay du Nord #megaproject in the province’s offshore for up to three years.]
#baydunord #oilandgas #newfoundland #labrador #cancellation #norwegian #equinor #suspending #megaproject #canada #fossilfuels #environmental #canpoli
"Blant de inviterte deltakerne var Greenpeace-aktivist og klimaforsker Christine van der Horst, som halvveis i catwalken trakk opp et banner med budskapet “Equinor ut av Festspillene”, før hun satte seg ned i protest."
#Festspillene #Bergen #NorskTut #allheimen #Greenpeace #klimakrise #Equinor #EquinorUtAvFestspillene
#festspillene #bergen #Norsktut #allheimen #greenpeace #klimakrise #equinor #equinorutavfestspillene
SNP ministers met with oil and gas lobbyists more than 200 times over past four years | Morning Star
#snp #fossilfuels #FossilFuelLobby #oil #gas #OilLobby #foe #bp #shell #forbes #Wheelhouse #equinor #COP26 #sturgeon #Petrochina #STUC #yousaf #justtransition
#Norwegen lobbyiiert für fossilen #Wasserstoff
Der norwegische Botschafter macht im Interview Werbung für blauen Wasserstoff, "übergangsweise", langfristig setze man auf grünen Wasserstoff.
Das stimmt so nicht, denn #Equinor (sein alter Arbeitgeber) will langfristig blauen Wasserstoff verkaufen. Und wo der Strom für den grünen #H2 herkommen soll, ist offen, Norwegen hat erstaunlich wenig #Windkraft, eine Munitionsfabrik musste grad wegen #Strommangel gedrosselt werden.
#norwegen #wasserstoff #equinor #h2 #windkraft #Strommangel
Since the start of the Ukraine🇺🇦 war, Norway🇳🇴 has displaced Russia🇷🇺 as Europe’s biggest source of gas. Along with its main #oil & #gas co, state-run #Equinor, Norway has argued increasingly that it is the 'democratic supplier of choice' to the continent https://www.ft.com/content/73365144-e6bb-4bf7-90a7-d08d4ef64488
Approval of the £4.5bn Rosebank project off Shetland owned by Norwegian 🇳🇴 state energy company #Equinor would see drilling for close to 300m barrels of #oil & #gas🛢️ — making it more than twice the size of the nearby Cambo field https://www.ft.com/content/fed1348b-d541-4b65-88e1-85dae54a270f
"Risikoen for å miste en bonus kan virke som et insentiv for å ikke rapportere om farlige hendelser. Det sirkulerer flere historier om personer som forsøker å skjule mindre personskader for at selskapet skal få bonus, ifølge rapporten.
Flere av oljearbeiderne mener det er urimelig at operatørselskaper som #Equinor kan spare penger når det skjer #HMS-hendelser."
#NorskTut #allheimen #oljeindustri #nordsjøen
#equinor #HMS #Norsktut #allheimen #oljeindustri #nordsjoen
I stand with the Avalon Chapter of the Council of Canadians and call upon Norway and @Equinor / @EquinorASA to abandon the #BayduNord oil project! @terjeaa @jonasgahrstore @jcvestre @EspenBarthEide #Equinor #Norway #Stavanger https://twitter.com/SierraClubCan/status/1630196074273964038
#baydunord #equinor #norway #stavanger
"Science Museum sponsorship deal with oil firm included gag clause - [Guaridan] Exclusive: museum in London agreed to take care not to say anything that could damage sponsor Equinor’s reputation
"The Science Museum in London signed a sponsorship contract containing a gagging clause with the Norwegian oil and gas company Equinor, agreeing to take care not to say anything that could damage the firm’s reputation, it can be revealed.
The agreement, a copy of which was obtained by the Guardian and the investigative journalism organisation Point Source, concerned sponsorship of the museum’s current Wonderlab exhibition.
It stated that the Science Museum and its trustees must take reasonable care to “not at any time” during the exhibition term “make any statement or issue any publicity or otherwise be involved in any conduct or matter that may reasonably be foreseen as discrediting or damaging the goodwill or reputation of the sponsor”.
#FossilFuels #Greenwashing #LondonScienceMuseum #ScienceMuseum #Norway #UK #Equinor #BigOil #FossilFuelIndustry #UKPolitics
#fossilfuels #greenwashing #londonsciencemuseum #sciencemuseum #norway #uk #equinor #bigoil #FossilFuelIndustry #ukpolitics