Will A.I. Become the New McKinsey, i.e., "capital's willing executioner?" https://www.newyorker.com/science/annals-of-artificial-intelligence/will-ai-become-the-new-mckinsey?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=the-new-yorker&utm_social-type=earned Is there a way for A.I. to empower labor unions or worker-owned coöperatives and other equitable enterprises? #equitableenterprise @iftf
watch @vanishingcorp talk on how this happened and why this is so corrosive at @iftf Ten Year Forecast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAcUFbrh46o #equitableenterprise #financialization #changingtheregister
#financialization #changingtheregister #equitableenterprise
Turning households into portfolio managers was a political project to make us see everything through the lens of capital and investment. Privatizing social security was key. Making everyone a stock owner would turn everyone into a Republican, creating according to Grover Norquist “a true and permanent national majority.” More on how this happened and why this is so corrosive watch @vanishingcorporation talk at @iftf Ten Year Forecast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAcUFbrh46o #equitableenterprise #financialization
#equitableenterprise #financialization
Will be talking about time abundance and time equity as a social justice issue. Join us at the SF "Palace for the People."
RT @iftf
TONIGHT! We will be at the @SFPublicLibrary for #NightofIdeas with "TIME ABUNDANCE: Reimagining Work and Reclaiming Our Time" at 8pm on the 4th floor. Speakers include @mgorbis, @nataliefoster and @MilicentJohnson among others! #equitableenterprise https://www.kqed.org/event/2797
#nightofideas #equitableenterprise
Have the Anticapitalists Reached the Harvard Business School? Hardly but its a beginning https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/28/business/business-school-social-justice.html?smid=tw-share "Business school leaders — most likely knowing that donors are listening — emphasize that their new courses and concentrations are simply answering the demand for political conversations in the corporate world, not pushing a progressive view." #equitableenterprise